You play it? Game is sick dude. Not better than KZ3, but it is my favorite of this gen so far. Although, I'm pretty sure Uncharted 4 will crush everything. The prospect of that game...with these graphics....and a new story....fuck I'm going to freeze myself like Cartman til UC4 drops. MC, wake me up before Otters take over the world and shit.
Nah I didn't play Shadow Fall. If anything I'll wait for it to be really cheap. I heard the story sucked, and the multiplayer was just decent, so I wasn't super interested in it. Shooters haven't been very interesting to me lately, unless their story driven or have a classic vibe.
Online is decent. Story is pretty cool. Graphics are amazing, updated gameplay mechanics with the little O.W.L. bot you get make for some really fun and strategic gaming.
Oh look another game release with game-breaking bugs. This one really depresses me. Figured Media Molecule would make sure it was smooth.
Turns out they got a new developer for it. Sumo Digital. Might explain some things.
EDIT: Reviews are really mixed for it. Ranging from 6s to 9s. This depresses me. Was hoping this was going to be really good. Its basically the first PS4 game that i've really been looking forward to.
Oh look another game release with game-breaking bugs. This one really depresses me. Figured Media Molecule would make sure it was smooth.
EDIT: Reviews are really mixed for it. Ranging from 6s to 9s. This depresses me. Was hoping this was going to be really good. Its basically the first PS4 game that i've really been looking forward to.