I honestly would love for Rockstar to make a GTA-esque game in the L.A. Noire time period, where you play as an old school gangster.
Just the prospect of that almost made me jizz myself. A new Red Dead would be epic. Read Dead Redemption is in my top 10 games of all time. Game was amazing.
I honestly would love for Rockstar to make a GTA-esque game in the L.A. Noire time period, where you play as an old school gangster.
Just the prospect of that almost made me jizz myself. A new Red Dead would be epic. Read Dead Redemption is in my top 10 games of all time. Game was amazing.
It's been know a new red dead was coming since well before e3
"Just the prospect of that almost made me jizz myself" this was referring to the GTA-esque mob boss L.A. Noire idea. I know a new Red Dead is in production (I think). I've been hearing rumors about it for a while but no conformation. Link me to it, nigga.
Never played a Battlefield. Just didn't interest me. But the new one looks cool and different. Looks campaign driven instead of multiplayer driven, which I dig.
Never played a Battlefield. Just didn't interest me. But the new one looks cool and different. Looks campaign driven instead of multiplayer driven, which I dig.
Bad Company and Bad Company 2 are both campaign driven with fantastic single player. Check em out
Reading Rex talk about video games makes me lol. Better start sucking GTA 6's dick now faggot. You only have 6 more years to convince us it will be the greatest game ever.
Just the prospect of that almost made me jizz myself. A new Red Dead would be epic. Read Dead Redemption is in my top 10 games of all time. Game was amazing.
How do you think the president becomes president.