GtaV story wise was bad. Gameplay was some of the best for the series though. I'm excited to check it out on next gen. Visually it looks really awesome. First person looks like fun, and most of the stuff rockstar lied to us about being in the game, is actually going to be in the game. Still though it is the same game, should be like 40 bucks or something.
Just like they said everything would be in the first game. You believe them why?
There wasn't enough space, and the hardware couldn't run what they wanted. Rockstar is a solid developer, they were held back by hardware issues without a doubt. Of course the game isn't gonna be groundbreaking to me because the story fucking sucks, but im really excited to see what Rockstar does with the hardware
ik this was a couple pages back but MC, every. Single. Game. Has. Online. Issues. At. Launch.
Even your crown jewels, Payday 2 and DOTA and whatnot, did not run perfectly upon release. Stop bitching.
why does that make it ok? should game devs not strive for perfection? I'm sick of hearing about games having to wait for a day one update, only to start it up and have the online servers down, and then force DLC on you.
This type of thing wouldn't fly in any other form of media.
For the record, DOTA is a free game too, and was classified as a BETA for its first couple years of release. I didnt have to pay $60 for it to go down.
Game went crazy over the top to try and compete with GTA.
I prefer that honestly. Instead of being a GTA rip-off/clone parody, it became its own thing parodying a large assortment of games. IV was equal parts GTA parody as inFAMOUS and Mass Effect parody.
rockstar needs to get back to their roots with GTA. get back to around 100 missions to beat the game, with a story we actually care about.
Honestly though i wouldn't mind them scratching gta for another 5 years and just come out with the new red dead already, and possibly a new manhunt, that would be dope.
L.A. Noire was the worst game rockstar has ever made
regardless, it was still a good game. especially the idea of it and setting. they could make a really good detective noire game, or gangster noire game if they wanted to
L.A. Noire was the worst game rockstar has ever made
regardless, it was still a good game. especially the idea of it and setting. they could make a really good detective noire game, or gangster noire game if they wanted to
no because it was so straight forward and linear the game basically walked you through what you had to do. Their idea was GOAT. their execution was terrible
L.A. Noire was the worst game rockstar has ever made
regardless, it was still a good game. especially the idea of it and setting. they could make a really good detective noire game, or gangster noire game if they wanted to
Yeah it wasn't a bad first effort. I was just disappointed with how easy it was. None of the crimes were even a challenge to solve. I would play a second effort if they make one.
GTA6 wont come out for awhile. Red Dead is being made right now and R* still has plans to do the PS4 exlcusive Agent. Wont see GTA6 for like another 5 or 6 years.
gta v was the worst game in the series for me. the story felt like they came up with it in seconds. most of the missions didn't even feel like missions.
Yeah GTA V had an awesome and really fun online. Gameplay mechanics were good, graphics were awesome, and the maps were huge and alot of fun to explore. However, the story was something I got so bored with that I played it just to beat it. No enjoyment towards the end, and I slash my fingers off during the submarine mission and the mission where you're Trevor and on the dock moving crates and shit. Boring as all fuck. GTA IV slayed GTA V in terms of story, character development, and interesting characters in general. I liked Mike and Franklin but other than that, characters were a big fat 0. Fuck Trevor, RIP Johnny.
This type of thing wouldn't fly in any other form of media.
For the record, DOTA is a free game too, and was classified as a BETA for its first couple years of release. I didnt have to pay $60 for it to go down.
Will be getting Gat Out of Hell.
rockstar needs to get back to their roots with GTA. get back to around 100 missions to beat the game, with a story we actually care about.
Honestly though i wouldn't mind them scratching gta for another 5 years and just come out with the new red dead already, and possibly a new manhunt, that would be dope.
I honestly would love for Rockstar to make a GTA-esque game in the L.A. Noire time period, where you play as an old school gangster.
I think id still put vice city and San Andreas over it though
San Andreas >