So picked up Digimon: All-Star Rumble. Its pretty fun. Story mode is really lazy but the battling is pretty great. Decent character selection as well. Digimon Rumble Arena 2 though>
Interesting... You'd think they'd prevent that sort of thing.
Its cause Microsoft>>Sony
I actually may have misread what you wrote initially. Are you just sharing the game downloads, not accounts? Because my initial understanding was that you were both logged in on the same XBL account and the same time. I don't know how gold works, is it if one account on an Xbox has gold ever account has gold?
Cause I've shared games on the PS3 before. I had my cousins friend make an account and log in so I could get Marvel vs Capcom 2 from him. But he was never logged in on my Playstation after I DL'd it.
So picked up Digimon: All-Star Rumble. Its pretty fun. Story mode is really lazy but the battling is pretty great. Decent character selection as well. Digimon Rumble Arena 2 though>
I still own Digimon World 1 and 3, And both Rumble Arenas. I own a PS2 still specifically so I can play Rumble Arena 2. This new game isn't going to set any records or anything. It isn't jaw dropping, just a fun time waster.
Interesting... You'd think they'd prevent that sort of thing.
Its cause Microsoft>>Sony
I actually may have misread what you wrote initially. Are you just sharing the game downloads, not accounts? Because my initial understanding was that you were both logged in on the same XBL account and the same time. I don't know how gold works, is it if one account on an Xbox has gold ever account has gold?
Cause I've shared games on the PS3 before. I had my cousins friend make an account and log in so I could get Marvel vs Capcom 2 from him. But he was never logged in on my Playstation after I DL'd it.
I has his console set as my home console. He has my console set as his home console. So any game that he d/l on his system i can also d/l on mine, same with him if he d/l any. Also as long as one of us has paid for gold for the year, we both have it, only one of the accounts has to have an active subscription for us both to use it.
Interesting... You'd think they'd prevent that sort of thing.
Its cause Microsoft>>Sony
I actually may have misread what you wrote initially. Are you just sharing the game downloads, not accounts? Because my initial understanding was that you were both logged in on the same XBL account and the same time. I don't know how gold works, is it if one account on an Xbox has gold ever account has gold?
Cause I've shared games on the PS3 before. I had my cousins friend make an account and log in so I could get Marvel vs Capcom 2 from him. But he was never logged in on my Playstation after I DL'd it.
I has his console set as my home console. He has my console set as his home console. So any game that he d/l on his system i can also d/l on mine, same with him if he d/l any. Also as long as one of us has paid for gold for the year, we both have it, only one of the accounts has to have an active subscription for us both to use it.
Even Pewds look at Five Nights At Freddy's as a gimmick to get Youtube views. That's hilarious. Game sucks. Gives horror games a bad name. Only reason I have it is because it came in a HumbleBundle with Betrayer.
ik it's not common but my favorite AC is Brotherhood. I've beaten every one up to 3. Haven't played Black Flag or Unity, but don't have high hopes for the latter.
Cause I've shared games on the PS3 before. I had my cousins friend make an account and log in so I could get Marvel vs Capcom 2 from him. But he was never logged in on my Playstation after I DL'd it.
Lim_Jahey said: The Digimon World games were real cool. They should bring those back.
Slender too. Fuck Slender.