And then there will always be the horrendous controller the 4 released with. 400 dollar console with joysticks grips that tear in less then a weeks time )
plus the sticks placement )
Had mine since it came out and controller is still in perfect shape. And I share my PS4 with two of my brothers, one of them who plays at least 4 days a week. Unless you never did anything but PS4, I call shenanigans.
Since when was PIP so revolutionary? My tv has that ability on its own. Hell I can scroll netflix and play any system I want. Why I would do that tough Idk, only ever really did it during nfl games I wasn't completely interested in.
Why is it that games cant just work at launch? Every new game I hear about has launch issued. Unity, Master Chief Collection, CoD... Like wtf? Dont you people test these things out? You have fucking months of dev time.
ps4 bundle with gta5 n lou;r for $400, digital dl codes tho.