No, I expect them to fucking work like they're supposed to. Its fucking World of Warcraft. Its fucking Blizzard. They know how to run a server at massive sizes. They shouldnt be having this issue. They've launched expansions before.
There is a level of quality and professionalism you expect from a company like Blizzard. Dont advertise the game available at midnight if you're not ready for it.
And they want to start releasing WoW expansions more frequently. Imagine the bugs and issues when they have even less dev time.
Game companies need to stop getting away with releasing unfinished and buggy product as a final product. You saw it with Diablo 3, Battlefield 3 and 4, Sims 4, TMNT: Out of the Shadows. Now seeing it with AssCreed Unity (seriously Ed, I don't know how you've been able to play it without any bugs. Every other post or video I see of it shows thats its fucking buggy as hell), WoW's server, CoD's server, Halo's server.
NolaMC for as much as you seem to know about games you can't seem to grasp this simple concept. This is not the old days of gaming or even the early days of online where there were only so many people logging on. Just about every single person that puts a new game in is going straight to online play. It's not as simple as having all of the servers ready, even if they are ready you don't know how they are going to react until you have the full on massive flood of people. The only way you're going to fully avoid those issues is a slow release where only so many people get the game at a time and build on from there.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
You sound like a grumpy old man. Pull your head out of your ass a realize the world isn't as instant as you want it to be. Also as soon as issues Pop up they have people working to resolve them, you act like they sit on their hands and put it off.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Its not the servers. Its the fact that the code in the game hasn't been tested on that scale until it goes live. When more people are playing, more of the bugs that slipped through are going to show. This is why nearly every major release isn't 100% what it should be for at least a couple weeks.
Day 1 updates, and mandatory DLC for an ending (Looking at you Dead Space 3) piss me the fuck off too. Fucking release the finished game.
day one updates are there because they continue to work on the game after it goes gold. There is a lot of pressure on the developers to push these games out, they don't always get everything they want done by the gold date.
If anything you should be excited when it has a day one update
Its not the servers. Its the fact that the code in the game hasn't been tested on that scale until it goes live. When more people are playing, more of the bugs that slipped through are going to show. This is why nearly every major release isn't 100% what it should be for at least a couple weeks.
Like I said, Blizzard has released expansions for more players with no bugs in the past.
Day 1 updates, and mandatory DLC for an ending (Looking at you Dead Space 3) piss me the fuck off too. Fucking release the finished game.
day one updates are there because they continue to work on the game after it goes gold. There is a lot of pressure on the developers to push these games out, they don't always get everything they want done by the gold date.
If anything you should be excited when it has a day one update
Game devs care more about making money and pumping games out as much as possible than they care about putting out quality games these days.
And the fucking gym/school in DS2. Running that part with close to no health is damn bear impossible.
seriously you expect way to much from video games, you should give them a break and do something with your life.
There is a level of quality and professionalism you expect from a company like Blizzard. Dont advertise the game available at midnight if you're not ready for it.
And they want to start releasing WoW expansions more frequently. Imagine the bugs and issues when they have even less dev time.
Get your shit together.
Im sorry, if I pay $60+ for a game, I want to it work right away. Not when they get around to fixing it.
If anything you should be excited when it has a day one update
Game devs care more about making money and pumping games out as much as possible than they care about putting out quality games these days.
Old games >