It will make the system run smoother. Which it's already leaps and bounds above ps4 with how smooth the system runs.basically thre one will run games at 1080p/60fps without a problem with it. Which currently is the only thing holding it back. Sure there may be a couple games on the ps 4 that look slightly better, but that's only because they will be linear games.
Holy shit guy. Direct X isn't going to do that cause THE ONE LACKS THE HARDWARE INSIDE THE FUCKING BOX. Direct X is a program to make games and ports easier on the One. It's not going to magically spring it a GPU to make the One run faster or fix the bottleneck with the 1080p. Holy fuck
I will say they shot themselves in the foot though making it paid. I won't be using my PS4 online. Which, now that I think about it, may kill LBP3 for me :-?
I really do like the ps4 too. By far the biggest difference for me really is the controller. The ps4's feals like a cheap piece of plastic next to the ones's. Like I said as well all the features the one has run faster and smoother than anything I used on the ps4. Also I like the fact you can use an external hard drive with the one. I'll still probably get another ps4 when the price drops for a couple games ( last of us 2) but for now one>>>
I will say they shot themselves in the foot though making it paid. I won't be using my PS4 online.
Which, now that I think about it, may kill LBP3 for me :-?
Damn dawg, you must not have heard of this magical new console called a PC
>Erik flags