Unity and Black Flag are my favorite ones. People probably hating on Unity because they amped the difficulty to a new high and gamers these days want everything handed to them.
Its sad gamers dont like difficulty. Its what makes gameplay entertaining and worth it. Getting through a challenging game makes it feel like you've accomplished more.
Kind of related, was talking about GTA with my friends and one brought up the fact that V is the only one he's ever beaten. Called him a bitch because IV and V didn't have a single mission that took more than a couple tries. I've beat the others countless times. The PS2 era had missions that made you want to fucking break everything in front of you. I was just playing Vice City this week and came across the mission where you have to race the guy before he'll join your team. The dude has a fucking sabre and can turn without losing any speed while you have a sentinel, cops just diving into your car and literally everything makes you lose control. You have to be absolutely flawless to beat it.
Unity and Black Flag are my favorite ones. People probably hating on Unity because they amped the difficulty to a new high and gamers these days want everything handed to them.
Its sad gamers dont like difficulty. Its what makes gameplay entertaining and worth it. Getting through a challenging game makes it feel like you've accomplished more.
Kind of related, was talking about GTA with my friends and one brought up the fact that V is the only one he's ever beaten. Called him a bitch because IV and V didn't have a single mission that took more than a couple tries. I've beat the others countless times. The PS2 era had missions that made you want to fucking break everything in front of you. I was just playing Vice City this week and came across the mission where you have to race the guy before he'll join your team. The dude has a fucking sabre and can turn without losing any speed while you have a sentinel, cops just diving into your car and literally everything makes you lose control. You have to be absolutely flawless to beat it.
The RC plaplane mission for zero in San Andreas was the most rage inducing thing I ever experienced in video games. For the longest time I thought it was a story line mission and you had to beat it because it was the only mission I had open. Then I was dicking around at the driving school and opened up the third island. Didn't beat the mission until after the the main game.
Holy fuck. Fuck big smoke. Dude can't shoot worth a fucking fuck. Literally took me a whole day to do that mission because of him and finally I looked up cheats and found a way to get on top of the train so I could just shoot them. And that zero mission... Nope.