Both Xbox and PS4 lack right now imo. I like the PS4 better as a system. Wii U has better games. PC > all. LBP3 is going to be great.
The ps4 system as a whole lacks tremendously behind the one. The only thing the ps4 is better with is start up time. Other then that the Xbox blows it out of the water. No lag with the Xbox box when switching menu screens like the ps4, I can switch directly from my tv back to the game I was playing 4 hours ago and not have to wait for the game to boot up again. Iv been a song fan boy my whole life. I'm amazed at how much better and more fluid the Xbox runs as a system compared to the ps4.
I have to disagree. I dont really care if you like the Xbone more. But spec for spec, its not a better system. Im trying to avoid fanboyism and console war bullshit nowadays, though so Im going to leave it at this.
Both have potential to be good, both suck right now. I will say Sony's exclusives seem like they are going to be better - which is all I care about on consoles now, since any crossplayform i get on PC.
Also, I will add the Xbone is keeping crossplatform games down. Since Xbone cant run native 1080p 60 fps, game devs are not clocking the hardware potential of next gen so that their games can run better on Xbone and try and avoid console war when it comes to PC/PS4/Xbone graphic and performance comparisons.
Uncharted 4 and Metal Gear 5 going to show what the PS4 can do \m/
Kojima already said it's going to look like shit on the One and Naughty Dawg>everyone else when it comes to using console hardware to it's full potential \m/
Both have potential to be good, both suck right now. I will say Sony's exclusives seem like they are going to be better - which is all I care about on consoles now, since any crossplayform i get on PC.
Ubisoft admited to this with AssCreed.
fifa 14
diablo 3
forza 5
the master cheif collection
And pretty much advanced warfare ( 1340x1080...pretty much the same thing)
A lot of the ps4 exclusives that have come out don't even run at 1080p/60 FPS, and most of the ones that do are ports from the ps3
Kojima already said it's going to look like shit on the One and Naughty Dawg>everyone else when it comes to using console hardware to it's full potential \m/