Girl explaining her friend's status on facebook "Blah...blah...blah...pineapple...blah blah blah blah. What do you think?" Me: "I don't know. You lost me at pineapple." Guy next to me: *busts out laughing* "Wow. That is totally the quote of the day." Me: "I'm serious though. I don't remember anything but pineapple." Girl: *stares at me* "Nevermind."
Professor: "I'm probably gonna change the review date for us... which is scheduled on the 20th of this month. That's a busy day for me. Well, actually it isn't because I'll just b..... I'm taking it off."
Keep in mind that he looks exactly like Kip Dynamite.
My friend: I need to get a 3ds and Pokemon Harlem. Me: What? Pokemon Harlem? Friend: There's Pokemon Hampton and Pokemon Harlem. White and black, get it? Me: LOLLLL
My friend Robert: What's up? Me: Waiting for a ride. I'm going to a local show in some basement. Robert: Isn't that something high school kids do? Aren't you a little old? Me: Fuck now. College town, dumbass. Plus, it's a bunch of black metal bands playing? Robert: What's black metal?
My friend wanted to go see A Perfect Circle because he's a big Tool fan, and he's familiar with some APC stuff, and he thought this was the closest he'd be in awhile.
Me: Tool. September 27. Detroit Dillon: Are you fucking kidding me? I love every song by Tool. I like 6 songs by A Perfect Circle. And now you're gonna lay this shit on me after I just bought tickets. Thanks Maynard.
Try reading that with a Lewis Black attitude...because he's basically a little Lewis Black.
My friend Robert: What's up? Me: Waiting for a ride. I'm going to a local show in some basement. Robert: Isn't that something high school kids do? Aren't you a little old? Me: Fuck now. College town, dumbass. Plus, it's a bunch of black metal bands playing? Robert: What's black metal?
Girl explaining her friend's status on facebook "Blah...blah...blah...pineapple...blah blah blah blah. What do you think?"
Me: "I don't know. You lost me at pineapple."
Guy next to me: *busts out laughing* "Wow. That is totally the quote of the day."
Me: "I'm serious though. I don't remember anything but pineapple."
Girl: *stares at me* "Nevermind."
Keep in mind that he looks exactly like Kip Dynamite.
Me: What? Pokemon Harlem?
Friend: There's Pokemon Hampton and Pokemon Harlem. White and black, get it?
Me: Waiting for a ride. I'm going to a local show in some basement.
Robert: Isn't that something high school kids do? Aren't you a little old?
Me: Fuck now. College town, dumbass. Plus, it's a bunch of black metal bands playing?
Robert: What's black metal?
Me: Tool. September 27. Detroit
Dillon: Are you fucking kidding me? I love every song by Tool. I like 6 songs by A Perfect Circle. And now you're gonna lay this shit on me after I just bought tickets. Thanks Maynard.
Try reading that with a Lewis Black attitude...because he's basically a little Lewis Black.
Tool, Dream Theater, Between the Buried and Me
So...Xeno's house...