It's one of the biggest draws for me actually. The hunt and chase, flipping through crates and crates of stuff to just find that one gold nugget here and there. That was my childhood. Every home town record store had the same smell too. Good shit from days gone by. I quit collecting music after the second time my shit was all stolen. I'm stable enough now in my life where that shouldn't be a problem.
Only thing I really need to know is how deep I can I delve into it as a hobby before I get labeled as a hipster? I had the beard and tattoos before they were cool and trendy but damn that's just what a hipster would say isn't it )
Only thing I really need to know is how deep I can I delve into it as a hobby before I get labeled as a hipster? I had the beard and tattoos before they were cool and trendy but damn that's just what a hipster would say isn't it )
I just never bought vinyl because I had no way to play it. A week ago I was still kicking the idea around. I've got a few spots near me I'll check on Monday if I get the time. Lots of places here sell old records, just not good ones lol. Polka records all day long lol. I have more options by my work, but they don't jive with my scheduled hours most of the time. I'm sure I will be swimming in them soon. Don't let that stop ya from sending shit in the mail if anyone feels compelled to just start my collection though.
I'll send ya a couple dupes I have sitting in storage. I'll PM you when I pull them out
I have this ikea shelf in black. The holes are a perfect fit for records. You can fit about 75 per sqaure. and i just have my turntable and receiver on top
@The_Synthabaga that looks like what ill need, though having records stored on a second tier kind of sketches me out... but its the most logical and likely most economical route.
Only thing I really need to know is how deep I can I delve into it as a hobby before I get labeled as a hipster? I had the beard and tattoos before they were cool and trendy but damn that's just what a hipster would say isn't it