found at least part of it, and now its refreshing my memory.
apparently the seller was just a piece of shit and somehow reported that I was trying to get out of a deal by non-payment. even though I paid... and received the album. dickclogs complied with him for some reason and I got the boot lol.
I put something in my cart and forgot to check out, which apparently gets you banned lol. I tried to re-register a while back with a new email but it wouldnt work at the time so I gave up.
I've done that before, i'm still able to use the site lol
Been browsing for old school stereo components a lot lately. I think I'm about to turn into one of those guys lol.
As someone who started out collecting vinyl as glorified posters, i never imagined getting so involved with the audio side of it. I have a pretty sweet set up now.
Its still in boxes from the move but i might unpack it this weekend and post pics. I have a really nice Sony receiver my girlfriend bought me for my birthday a few years back, and a quad speaker setup that sounds killer when playing records in stereo.
Post pics when you get it set up. I miss the big monster stereos of my childhood. Everybody had killer stereos back then. Now it's just sound bars and Bluetooth speakers. There was a nice little turntable unit posted in a local fb group today, but it's only a 40 watt set up lol. I need that sweet receiver set up. One of the guys I trim with might have a turntable set up with a nice pre amp in storage for me.
My wife is already complaining we don't have room for the setup I want )
My best friend found one of those old turntables that pretty much comes as part of a desk, complete with speakers attached. It was made in 1952, but it still works. The only thing that sucks is that being that old, it can’t really handle modern bass. When we play rap albums on it, it makes the needle skip
i have to replace my needle/cartridge one of these days, but since i dont wanna take it apart myself in fear of fucking something up, im gonna need to take it into a store to do so and those hipster shits will probably try to charge an arm and a leg. maybe a friend knows someone who wouldnt fuck me over.
>moms stereo was bookshelf type >5 discuss changer >everything works but the disc player >extra speakers though >sister still has her nice one >will trade for smaller boombox >not in hand yet >another friend has one >described as "exactly what your looking for" >he has to talk to his wife first >not in hand yet >could end up with both >trimmer guy brought me a old turntable >looks in great shape >not sure if it works yet >I don't own any vinyl lol
Dude, just hit the local thrift store or goodwill. There will be something odd there worth the $.77. I hit one on layover last week and scored the second Fat Boys album.
I just never bought vinyl because I had no way to play it. A week ago I was still kicking the idea around. I've got a few spots near me I'll check on Monday if I get the time. Lots of places here sell old records, just not good ones lol. Polka records all day long lol. I have more options by my work, but they don't jive with my scheduled hours most of the time. I'm sure I will be swimming in them soon. Don't let that stop ya from sending shit in the mail if anyone feels compelled to just start my collection though.
Being elderly like myself, I know you'll find some old 70's rock in one of those places that you low-key enjoy. I've found tons of Queen and Ted Nugent and Fleetwood Mac and their ilk digging in the Goodwill bins. I have all sorts of cool 45s of odd stuff like the Adam West Batman theme song, The Fraggle Rock theme and 'Do the Bartman' culled from thrift store digs
apparently the seller was just a piece of shit and somehow reported that I was trying to get out of a deal by non-payment. even though I paid... and received the album. dickclogs complied with him for some reason and I got the boot lol.
I've done that before, i'm still able to use the site lol
Its like vinyl Christmas
Its still in boxes from the move but i might unpack it this weekend and post pics. I have a really nice Sony receiver my girlfriend bought me for my birthday a few years back, and a quad speaker setup that sounds killer when playing records in stereo.
My wife is already complaining we don't have room for the setup I want
Just asked my mom, she has an old stereo for me. My sister has 2 (one is super nice). Just a matter of time now.
>5 discuss changer
>everything works but the disc player
>extra speakers though
>sister still has her nice one
>will trade for smaller boombox
>not in hand yet
>another friend has one
>described as "exactly what your looking for"
>he has to talk to his wife first
>not in hand yet
>could end up with both
>trimmer guy brought me a old turntable
>looks in great shape
>not sure if it works yet
>I don't own any vinyl lol