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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    Pretty sure ive got a wheel bearing going bad in my car. 

    This is unfortunate. I realllly wanted a drone. Maybe ill pay rent late or something this month. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    edited April 2021
    Suck the flag from the back
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,803 spicy boy
    I’m about to go change the breaks and rotors on my car fuck
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    Im not doing shit lol. One of my best friends has been a mechanic for 25 years.

    if he asks for help ill help him but he has all the tools he needs in his garage. He said he can do anything but transmissions in his garage. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,803 spicy boy
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited April 2021
    The reactions to cases like this Bassnectar situation are always hilarious to me.

    For anybody unaware, Bassnectar is a huge EDM DJ, one of the biggest in the genre, and it came out that he’s a pedo. Not like 4 year old pedo, but he was fucking underage girls ranging from 15-17 from his shows. All of it’s documented because there was a lot of back and forth texts and emails wit them where he was simping to them, asking for (and receiving) nudes, and making plans to meet up again. He was charged wit child porn because of it. He was also paying some of them $1,000+ to fuck, so he got hit wit sex trafficking as well. 

    First off, I ain’t mad at the charges. They’re 100% warranted, and he’s all the way a fucking weirdo and knew what he was doing. These EDM and Pop Punk scenes have so much of this because a lot of the fans are younger, so these artists have thirsty lil girls throwing themselves at them, and feel too invincible to have to turn it down. It’s definitely gross and you gotta know better and shut that shit all the way down.

    But seeing the “Oh boo hoo these poor devastated traumatized “victims”.” reactions is laughable at best. They were sure bussin it wide open and loving it before. They were sure blowing them sex checks and enjoying all the gifts that came wit selling pussy before. And they were 15-17, not exactly toddlers, so using the “They can’t think for themselves.” shit is pathetic. They’re thirsty lil thots jus like the adults are. We gon act like there’s not a show wit millions of viewers about underage thots called “16 & Pregnant”. 

    And the “impressionable” shit is pathetic too. The adults are too. That’s the power fame has period. Throw anybody’s adult girlfriend or wife in a room wit their favorite actor, rapper, or singer and 100% of them are bussing it open and cheating. The only nuance is how the individual USES that power of fame. And you gotta do and know better.

    They weren’t “victims” or “traumatized” until they were older and realized they could cash it in for a big ass check. 

    Shit, he victimized HIMSELF by being a stupid, thirsty ass creep and jeopardizing his career, freedom, and money. He definitely bout to do some decent time for this, and he about to pay off a MASSIVE amount in lawsuits. As he should! But I definitely don’t feel an ounce of sorry for those thirsty ass groupies.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    I jus don’t get these stupid mfs tho. As I already stated, there’s a lotta young girls in these scenes, and so these artists get to feeling like they can accept their advances without any repercussions. But at the same time, they could fuck any female in the crowd. Do you know how many extremely bad LEGAL bitches there are at EDM festivals and raves? Ones that you can fuck wit zero effort without throwing your entire career down the drain? But then at the same time, I guess it’s not all about attractiveness for these types and it’s a sick underlying fetish where the age and the fact that it’s wrong and illegal gets them off, so a bad legal adult doesn’t do the same for them smh.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,803 spicy boy
    So when is BOTDF getting fucked lol
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,653 moneytalker
    People at 15-16 aren’t really know for making great choices or listening to advice from others. Kids need to be protected from themselves all the damn time. You made some really shitty choices at that age in regards to your early tattoos. Those were on your own. You thought they were great. You learned better down the road. You realized you didn’t know as much as you thought you did at the time. But your tattoos were not creepy ass things that knew better and preyed upon you. Instead of forming normal relationships appropriate for their age and experience, some of their first introductions to sex are at the hands of predators. That’s gotta lead to some trauma down the road as hindsight getting wiser with age meet up. Girls gotta walk around their whole lives trying to not be the victims of shit cuz men are creeps lol. Guys don’t really carry that kind of fear. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    Agreed with Jobe on all of that but the last sentence hit me especially hard more recently. Me and my gf are both fairly independent, I travel solo (pre-COVID) every so often, whether it be for concerts, sporting events, just for the hell of it. I just love going to new places and checking out as many places as I can. I get more days off from work than she does, so this is partly what allows me to get away more. 

    I was having a discussion with her and was telling her how great such-and-such city is and how she'd love to visit. She had to basically straight up stop me and explain that she just simply isn't able to visit or enjoy places in the same manner I do. I walk everywhere by myself and have zero issues (outside of the time I got plastered drunk in Memphis and had a homeless man steal my wallet, but hey at least I wasn't raped), but it's just not the same situation for her. I have a friend in NYC that would tell me about how few cat-calls in a day she'd consider a "slow" day. It's wild. It's fundamentally different being a guy. It's hard to understand cause we'll never be able to put ourselves in their shoes.  
  • nohohanknohohank Posts: 248 juggalo
    Erik a misogynist confirmed lmao not that it wasn't already clear but he just straight up both blamed the victims while blaming Bassnectar for not picking out from all the legal women. As if grooming isn't a thing. As of the power isn't a thing. Bet he finna talk about Matt Gaetz trafficking a 17 year old and doing x is her fault. 
  • nohohanknohohank Posts: 248 juggalo
    I specifically remember Erik shitting on women and talking about this being a man's world like it wasn't a problem but a fact that needed to be understood by women. Probabaly cuz he has a lil dick that he doesn't know how to use. God knows I'm not packing a blue ribbon hog but at least have mutual fun with the people I fuck lmao
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,653 moneytalker
    I still sometimes listen to that audio clip you sent me when you were on shrooms @nohohank

    hope ur gud 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • nohohanknohohank Posts: 248 juggalo
    Put a boy on blast why don't ya. lol im not doing nearly as well as I was at that point. I've made mistakes and wish this person was doing better but I haven't given up, I keep going. Things went bad for me after months of covid and going in to winter where I've got a not winning record against SAD. I've been working hard and spring is coming so hopefully I'll be back to that level of optimism soon. 
  • nohohanknohohank Posts: 248 juggalo
    edited April 2021
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    nohohank said:
    Erik a misogynist confirmed lmao not that it wasn't already clear but he just straight up both blamed the victims while blaming Bassnectar for not picking out from all the legal women. As if grooming isn't a thing. As of the power isn't a thing. Bet he finna talk about Matt Gaetz trafficking a 17 year old and doing x is her fault. 
    Lmfao this faggot hops out of hiding every 6 months jus to ride my dick while he’s here. Every single time. Keep simping and kill yourself. 🤘🏻
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    If a bitch is going, she’s going. I ain’t blaming the “victims” because there ain’t none lmao they WANTED to suck that dick. Keep white knighting tho faggot it’s a great look lmfao.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,653 moneytalker
    nohohank said:
    Put a boy on blast why don't ya. lol im not doing nearly as well as I was at that point. I've made mistakes and wish this person was doing better but I haven't given up, I keep going. Things went bad for me after months of covid and going in to winter where I've got a not winning record against SAD. I've been working hard and spring is coming so hopefully I'll be back to that level of optimism soon. 

    I love that clip and I hope you get back to a good place again. Recognizing your mistakes is a big step towards getting back to a healthy rhythm. Can’t fix issues if you can’t even spot them. 2020 was a mother fucker for everyone, a lot of people really had their mental strength tested last year. Not everyone made it out the other side ok. Glad to hear your still fighting. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    edited April 2021
    Yeah, last year was a bitch chuck. Dont get too down on yourself. 

    It got so bad for me that I finally started going to see my doctor on a regular basis. After some tests and a lot of discussion she ended up putting me on an SSRI to treat some major anxiety i had and light depression. 

    I was very hesitant at first. I really didn’t want to try an SSRI, but i ended up going with it just to give it a try. 

    Honestly its been something that has completely changed my life. All of a sudden i am able to stay on task. I dont gave emotional outbursts. If something bad happens i deal with it and move on instead of dwelling on it all fay.  Im more interested in staying off my phone and pursuing more hobbies. I dont worry about what people think about me much, or if a question i ask is going to sound stupid. No more days where i just don't want to get out of bed. Im more interested in being physically active. 

    So far i have found pretty much 0 negatives from it. Im sure you have talked to your doctor, but if anyone here is curious, feel free to talk to me. Its now been two months and It was one of, if not the best decision i have ever made in my life. 

    I know meds arent for everyone, but its worked for me because my brain literally was not producing the chemicals it should have been. I dont feel in happy land, or like im a zombie. I just feel level headed. I feel like i can be my true self for really the first time in 10 or so years. 

    If anyone is thinking About it, I encourage you to at least get a regular doctor that you feel comfortable having discussions with and go to them to talk about it. 
    Post edited by Rex_Capone420 on
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