THIS IS THE WORST BAR IN ALL OF AMERICA IM SO IRATE. Me and my buddies were getting drunk and we were having a sing along to Sober by Tool. So naturally I was like Hey they got s a jukebox with like every band ever Ob it Ima go play some Tool. Guess what? NO FUCKING TOOL. that should be imm punishable by law. That's a fucking crime. I put in ten dollars and was ready to play Sober, Pushit, Right In Two, Swamp Sing and Vicarouusi but oh wait this bar doesn't have tool Ob their jukebox. Fucking gay. I'm writing this down so I dint forget but I'm suing this place for every penny they got until they add Tool I was so ready to peanut butter and jam to some Tool.
You should invest that $10 in a phone that doesn't autocorrect with weird words that don't exist
Yeah I have sausage fingers and when I'm typing my phone will save random words. Obs is supposed to be on and habs has/have. It saves them as that and when they're the most recent save it will auto correct then to that lol
You should invest that $10 in a phone that doesn't autocorrect with weird words that don't exist
^ obs?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
.....drug her
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)