I used to intern for a booking agency. What are you trying to do
I started putting together a mini fest thing in orlando for june 17th/18th. I've put together a dozen shows or so over the last couple years, most of which were local bands. I did have the bands Coke Bust, Dismemberment, Solstice and Hellwitch at different points, but that's as big as it got. This is going to be much bigger. 7/8 bands each day for two days. I know it's not stuff that anyone here will care about for the most part, but they're definitely known names in melodic hardcore/punk. Being completely honest, I'm kind of paranoid about it. But it's something i've wanted to do for a while, and i think it'll really show whether or not i should continue to book shows after.
I know one guy who runs a crew setting up lights, audio and video for national tours. He did a few show on the current GnR tour and a bunch of other really big shows. One would think it should be fairly easy to get along with the guy. he must have some cool ass stories to tell.
Nope. He is the most overbearing individual I've ever met in my life.
THIS IS THE WORST BAR IN ALL OF AMERICA IM SO IRATE. Me and my buddies were getting drunk and we were having a sing along to Sober by Tool. So naturally I was like Hey they got s a jukebox with like every band ever Ob it Ima go play some Tool. Guess what? NO FUCKING TOOL. that should be imm punishable by law. That's a fucking crime. I put in ten dollars and was ready to play Sober, Pushit, Right In Two, Swamp Sing and Vicarouusi but oh wait this bar doesn't have tool Ob their jukebox. Fucking gay. I'm writing this down so I dint forget but I'm suing this place for every penny they got until they add Tool I was so ready to peanut butter and jam to some Tool.
Hooters has this touch screen jukebox that claims to have thousands of artists on it. I've never checked it out doe cuz wings and tits. Plus you can barely hear shit in there.
Yeah tools current record deal is so d it was signed before digital media. You won't find and digital music of theirs in jukeboxes or on Spotify or pandora.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Nope. He is the most overbearing individual I've ever met in my life.