Hey Erik I dare you to delete all of your white friends on social media and tell us how many friends you have left. I mean, since you hate white people so much, put your money where your mouth is
White Thanksgiving vs. Black Thanksgiving on FB. )))
It's funny that Erik sees someone his own race being pleasent and friendly, then someone from another race being vulgar and tryhard and he's all on the other race's dick. Pretty much says everything you really need to know about him
Who's on anybody's dick? I thought the shit was funny. Who's the tryhard again? Comin from the overly tryhard pseudo "macho" mf too lmaooo. But anything to hate. Shame you ain't lose custody of the kids fat fuck.
Hey Erik I dare you to delete all of your white friends on social media and tell us how many friends you have left. I mean, since you hate white people so much, put your money where your mouth is
Not counting people who are jus FB friends that I never see irl, I'd still have basically all my friends I actually hang wit. Try harder.
Slap, Marc, Alex, and Jake are hispanic. Dime is middle eastern Ed is black Todd, and FF are Jewish Ape is Ginger Cheeze is asian Rex, me, Satan, Gary, Beef, Jobe, Gnomez, and Up are white
I grew up and hung around and still hang with a generally mixed crowd. It's like 40% white people 40% Mexicans, 8% black and then like 2% Arabs I think are Aight. We look like the fucking United Nations when we walk around as a group. I've find racism to be based more on character than what race you are.
Oh and the hypocrisy rn is absolutely delicious. Yall constantly sayin racist ass shit but a white dude speaks up bout white people's bullshit and all the white people lose their damn minds. This is brilliant and further proving my point. I love it.
I'm white. I can talk shit. And per usual, yall over exaggerate everything to the absolute fullest extent. It's not like I see a white person and immediately hate them cause they're white. That'd be retarded considering I'm white.
I've had, and have, white friends. The majority of the bitches in my body count were white. 16 bitches and only 2 were black, 2 were Latina. The rest were white. Although on some funny shit the only 2 I'm still cool wit and hook up wit from time to time is one of the black chicks and one of the Latinas.
All I'm overall saying is I generally get along better wit non-white people and that if there's any race I have any problems wit, it's my own. It's not all out blind hatred and disowning the fact that I'm white.
The fact remains that the most judgmental people I've met, and the good majority of judgmental people I've met period, were white.
The fact remains that the ones I've always seen involved in the most drama, were white.
The fact remains that the ones that can never mind their own damn business, are white.
The fact remains that the ones who always call the police bout petty ass shit, are white.
The fact remains that the only ones who have ever given me dirty looks or comments regarding my appearance and how I dress, were all white.
The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters, are white. That alone proves a very major point.
Notice a trend here? They all revolve around bein judgmental, pseudo superiority, and stickin your nose where it don't belong. Admittedly, yes it's a bit hypocritical because I myself am bein judgmental right now. But it's bein judgmental of mfs that are judgmental. And yall can pull the "Black people are racist to white people" card but jus remember that hate creates hate. I'd feel the same if I was black. But I'd more so call it defensive rather than racist. They know how white people feel bout them. Even if it's not a blatant racist, they know a lot of white people see them and are immediately more alert, suspicious, and watchful. For no reason other than their skin color. And don't yall dare deny it cause as a WHITE PERSON I constantly see it myself. Black guy comes around and all of a sudden the white guy looks uncomfortable. Who are our white boys in blue constantly slaughtering? Black men. Who are constantly gettin jailed in for profit prisons for petty charges to fill quotas? Black men.
This country was built on genocide and division at the hands of white men and it makes me sick. This country was built by and for white men and it makes me sick. Rich old white men run the entire Goddamn planet and it makes me sick.
Why is it that we see a white tiger and we're so fascinated because it's a different color but it's somehow different when it comes to a person? Why is it that we appreciate different colors on every species but our own? Why are a blue fish and a red fish both looked at as fish but a white human and a black human are looked at as different? Why is diversity celebrated and admired in every species but our own?
It's funny this all pisses yall off so much. And maybe yall should take a long hard look in the mirror cause at the end of the day, I have a good heart and mean well. And it's cause I mean well that shit like this bothers me so much.
My acid use has definitely opened my mind and made me focus on it more but it really has given me a hippy mindset. I wish I never saw this behavior from people that have my skin tone and that it didn't have to make me feel like I do about them. I wish we could achieve universal acceptance and unity and it'll never happen and sometimes I feel like I simply don't belong here. Not on some suicidal shit but I jus feel like I have an alien mindset.
Slap, Marc, Alex, and Jake are hispanic. Dime is middle eastern Ed is black Todd, and FF are Jewish Ape is Ginger Cheeze is asian Rex, me, Satan, Gary, Beef, Jobe, Gnomez, and Up are white
Pretty mixed.
Because Jewish and Ginger ain't white. You a special kinda stupid.
I would just like to point something out here growing up especially when I lived outside of Chicago and in South Carolina I was definitely a unicorn that nobody liked. I got picked on like fucking crazy and it was because I was super pale with red hair. It was mostly black kids that gave me shit. I'm not even mad though I learned to fight at an early age because of it. Yes technically I'm white but it was a bit different for me than your average white kid.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
@slap@metalcrusades I think both of you listen to this town needs guns, right? is it true they changed their name to TTNG for pc-friendly reasons? was overhearing that at the daughters show a couple weeks back
Slap, Marc, Alex, and Jake are hispanic. Dime is middle eastern Ed is black Todd, and FF are Jewish Ape is Ginger Cheeze is asian Rex, me, Satan, Gary, Beef, Jobe, Gnomez, and Up are white
Pretty mixed.
I'm not jewish, fuck outta here with that nonsense
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
>judges peeps by their weights
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I'm a Pakeha
I'm white. I can talk shit. And per usual, yall over exaggerate everything to the absolute fullest extent. It's not like I see a white person and immediately hate them cause they're white. That'd be retarded considering I'm white.
I've had, and have, white friends. The majority of the bitches in my body count were white. 16 bitches and only 2 were black, 2 were Latina. The rest were white. Although on some funny shit the only 2 I'm still cool wit and hook up wit from time to time is one of the black chicks and one of the Latinas.
All I'm overall saying is I generally get along better wit non-white people and that if there's any race I have any problems wit, it's my own. It's not all out blind hatred and disowning the fact that I'm white.
The fact remains that the most judgmental people I've met, and the good majority of judgmental people I've met period, were white.
The fact remains that the ones I've always seen involved in the most drama, were white.
The fact remains that the ones that can never mind their own damn business, are white.
The fact remains that the ones who always call the police bout petty ass shit, are white.
The fact remains that the only ones who have ever given me dirty looks or comments regarding my appearance and how I dress, were all white.
The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters, are white. That alone proves a very major point.
Notice a trend here? They all revolve around bein judgmental, pseudo superiority, and stickin your nose where it don't belong. Admittedly, yes it's a bit hypocritical because I myself am bein judgmental right now. But it's bein judgmental of mfs that are judgmental. And yall can pull the "Black people are racist to white people" card but jus remember that hate creates hate. I'd feel the same if I was black. But I'd more so call it defensive rather than racist. They know how white people feel bout them. Even if it's not a blatant racist, they know a lot of white people see them and are immediately more alert, suspicious, and watchful. For no reason other than their skin color. And don't yall dare deny it cause as a WHITE PERSON I constantly see it myself. Black guy comes around and all of a sudden the white guy looks uncomfortable. Who are our white boys in blue constantly slaughtering? Black men. Who are constantly gettin jailed in for profit prisons for petty charges to fill quotas? Black men.
This country was built on genocide and division at the hands of white men and it makes me sick. This country was built by and for white men and it makes me sick. Rich old white men run the entire Goddamn planet and it makes me sick.
Why is it that we see a white tiger and we're so fascinated because it's a different color but it's somehow different when it comes to a person? Why is it that we appreciate different colors on every species but our own? Why are a blue fish and a red fish both looked at as fish but a white human and a black human are looked at as different? Why is diversity celebrated and admired in every species but our own?
It's funny this all pisses yall off so much. And maybe yall should take a long hard look in the mirror cause at the end of the day, I have a good heart and mean well. And it's cause I mean well that shit like this bothers me so much.
My acid use has definitely opened my mind and made me focus on it more but it really has given me a hippy mindset. I wish I never saw this behavior from people that have my skin tone and that it didn't have to make me feel like I do about them. I wish we could achieve universal acceptance and unity and it'll never happen and sometimes I feel like I simply don't belong here. Not on some suicidal shit but I jus feel like I have an alien mindset.
Now I'm really confused
CNN is losing their sanity.