So apparently due to the "cival war" thing on fb yesterday, a huge fight broke out at the Cruel Hand show in Orlando last night. The people literally said "I love Orlando crew hardcore. No place for women, niggers or fags here", and started beating this black kid attending. Both Cruel Hand and Lifeless refused to play their sets after because of it. And now Code orange dropped their Orlando date over it.
I love hardcore music, but Orlando is literally the absolute worst place for it. Its not even a "scene", just a bunch of fucking douchbag crews who go just to start shit.
Honestly, hardcore has a bad reputation of being a skin head genre. Its why I was so against it in high school. So your story doesnt surprise me in the slightest.
So apparently someone in the local opening band (whom has 2 members in the hardcore "crew" that showed) pulled a knife in the venue and stabbed a hispanic girl and a different black guy. They'll both be okay, but that's still fucking retarded. Lifeless and Cruel Hand have deep roots in hardcore and are friends with essentially every known hardcore band touring. So far Code Orange, Trapped Under Ice, Racetraitor, Incendiary and Criminal Instinct have canceled tour dates in Orlando.
It's despicable for any show. Get that the fuck outta here. Metal is primarily thought of as a white genre already and that Shit doesn't help enforcing an already silly stereotype and replacing it with a racist would also be really solid if Phil Anselmo stopped giving Nazi salutes as well but for now baby steps.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)