I don't see anything wrong with this so long as they're not going through old literature and changing it for like new editions or something. as long as it's just for textbooks and the language school officials use, i think it's a great idea.
Are you fucking kidding? You dont see anything wrong with this? Its petty. Resgressive as fuck.
Muh words hurt.
nah dude you're fucking paranoid. all they're doing is making shit gender neutral. why is that bad? it's progress if anything. there's no need to gender words when the gender of the people doesn't matter.
Gender neutral is not progress. Its homogoneous. Fuck that. I dont prescribe to that SJW "gender is irrelevant" bullshit in the first place, but when it comes to words youre reaching. "Oh no he sad mankind instead of humankind Im so offended". Get over yourself you snowflake pussy. There are entire languages built around gendering. Should spanish and french completely change their languages to appeal to these irrational cunts? Fuck no.
I dont want a neutral homogenous world. I hate that identity politics is king right now.
if one of the things that pisses you off most in life is that university's would rather subliminally teach people to use "postal worker" instead of "mailman", you need to look up. there are some times I agree that language policing can get really stupid, but in this case that's all that's really happening.
Its thought and language policing. Why should a university care if a student says "mailman". They shouldnt. But now theyre teaching them that using common terminology like that is somehow sexist or problematic. Its wrong.
1984 newspeak, censorship, facism is real. But its the left, not the right, that is pushing it.
I know you all have blinders in to this, but if you actually would watch and follow the people I have been telling you about, you'd see this is an epidemic. Even the most brilliant minds, people like Sam Harris, are starting to call out the bullshit.
The infantilization, snowflake, always offended, professional victim, identity culture needs to end before unreparable harm is done.
I know you all have blinders in to this, but if you actually would watch and follow the people I have been telling you about, you'd see this is an epidemic. Even the most brilliant minds, people like Sam Harris, are starting to call out the bullshit.
The infantilization, snowflake, always offended, professional victim, identity culture needs to end before unreparable harm is done.
Literally busted out laughing. This gotta be the corniest cringiest post in MU history and that's really sayin a lot. Ky & stfu.
I know you all have blinders in to this, but if you actually would watch and follow the people I have been telling you about, you'd see this is an epidemic. Even the most brilliant minds, people like Sam Harris, are starting to call out the bullshit.
The infantilization, snowflake, always offended, professional victim, identity culture needs to end before unreparable harm is done.
Literally busted out laughing. This gotta be the corniest cringiest post in MU history and that's really sayin a lot. Ky & stfu.
Yeah but if that thought policing was literally just creating language to doesn't suggest that all occupations can be done by people of every gender, I don't think any harm is being done. changing mankind to humankind doesn't change the meaning. it's just setting up the foundation to teach people to think in a more unifying way instead of making separations where they don't really matter. I don't understand why the right would rather hold on to the way they speak instead of consider why marginalized groups push for adopting more inclusive language. this isn't some "double plus good" bs and if you think it is, you're misguided.
Yeah but if that thought policing was literally just creating language to doesn't suggest that all occupations can be done by people of every gender, I don't think any harm is being done. changing mankind to humankind doesn't change the meaning. it's just setting up the foundation to teach people to think in a more unifying way instead of making separations where they don't really matter. I don't understand why the right would rather hold on to the way they speak instead of consider why marginalized groups push for adopting more inclusive language. this isn't some "double plus good" bs and if you think it is, you're misguided.
Thats the thing though, its irrational and childish to think a term like "mankind" is excluding someone.
Nobody was offended until victim culture came around and EVERYTHING became offensive.
No, no men were offended by it. surely it was a non-issue for most people, but obviously some people believe that we should refer to the human race as a whole as humankind instead of mankind. and if you think about it, it doesn't matter. it conveys the same thing. the fact to that you don't want to change something so insignificant about the way you speak means you're the regressive one.
I'm not going back through all this but for the record tool is heavily involved in the production process of everything they do. Even if what they have done hasn't come out in eons.
No, no men were offended by it. surely it was a non-issue for most people, but obviously some people believe that we should refer to the human race as a whole as humankind instead of mankind. and if you think about it, it doesn't matter. it conveys the same thing. the fact to that you don't want to change something so insignificant about the way you speak means you're the regressive one.
Or maybe I can understand that a term like that refers to all and not specifics like a rational person.
I dont care if people want to change the way they speak. But to force people is wrong.
Like if you personally wanted to make an effort to be "inclusive" or whatever the fuck, more power to you. But dont force me to follow suit. I dont agree with your chosen ideology.
Where is there any force in this story though? do you see people being fined or jailed because they're using gender exclusive language? Princeton university is choosing to adopt gender neutral language in their textbooks and such. sure they're making the students read it, but that doesn't mean they're gonna use authority to stop people from saying mailman or something. since it doesn't matter to most people, literally all that's happening is people are gonna grow up learning to speak with gender neutral terms when as we can both agree, it doesn't really matter. you're just holding on to the past because it's what you're used to and you're so narrow minded you can't see how that kind of language reinforces very real biases in the world that affect people's lives. I understand where you worries come from dude but pick your battles.
Where is there any force in this story though? do you see people being fined or jailed because they're using gender exclusive language? Princeton university is choosing to adopt gender neutral language in their textbooks and such. sure they're making the students read it, but that doesn't mean they're gonna use authority to stop people from saying mailman or something. since it doesn't matter to most people, literally all that's happening is people are gonna grow up learning to speak with gender neutral terms when as we can both agree, it doesn't really matter. you're just holding on to the past because it's what you're used to and you're so narrow minded you can't see how that kind of language reinforces very real biases in the world that affect people's lives. I understand where you worries come from dude but pick your battles.
When the most regressive minded individual on this board complains about regressive mindsets. Lmao.
I hope you know you're a fucking joke. You have no education. You dont follow, study, read about, or listen to discussions of socio-political trends, so here you are (gasp) commenting about something you literally know nothing about.
Ive been called problematic for discussing biology in my sociology class. My friend was fired as an RA at DePaul because he refused to use ze/zer/they pronouns instead of him/her. Conservative opinions are being protested and censored, even outright banned at colleges around the country just because they disagree with the narraive they are trying to push. Its wrong.
Classicly liberal minded people, like Satan and I, are considered conservative by "progressives"/regressives because we're not polarizingly left.
The far left is more like the far right than they'll admit. And Im in the middle watching both sides destroy the world.
i'm curious about the ze/zer thing you're talking about. from my knowledge that was generally something mostly transgender people and other lgbt ppl used. never heard of anybody from the cisgender community wanting to be called that.
1984 newspeak, censorship, facism is real. But its the left, not the right, that is pushing it.
Homogeny is not the best way to achieve equality.
The infantilization, snowflake, always offended, professional victim, identity culture needs to end before unreparable harm is done.
Im pissed that ideology is influencing the world. Progressivism is the new Christianity and it is fucking everything up. Thats why Im mad.
Nobody was offended until victim culture came around and EVERYTHING became offensive.
I dont care if people want to change the way they speak. But to force people is wrong.
Ive been called problematic for discussing biology in my sociology class. My friend was fired as an RA at DePaul because he refused to use ze/zer/they pronouns instead of him/her. Conservative opinions are being protested and censored, even outright banned at colleges around the country just because they disagree with the narraive they are trying to push. Its wrong.
Classicly liberal minded people, like Satan and I, are considered conservative by "progressives"/regressives because we're not polarizingly left.
The far left is more like the far right than they'll admit. And Im in the middle watching both sides destroy the world.