Holy shit. So PartyNextDoor (RnB singer on Drake's OVO Sound label, one of my favorite artists, produces all his own shit.) sampled VARG on his new album on the opening track High Hopes. That jus came completely outta left field lmao.
He's musically a genius so it wouldn't surprise me if he has a broad musical knowledge as far as different genres and he frequently rocks Metal/Rock merch but it's always big bands like AC/DC. I wonder if he legitimately knows VARG/Burzum or if he came across it and saw a good sample opportunity.
There were songs on ST. Anger better than this song though lol title track and Some Kind Of Monster >. The new tune is okay but it's just nothing special at all. I don't think it's bad, but it'd not good. It's just kind of there.
I mean, I'm assuming you don't really give a shit about Metallica since they haven't released anything in 8 years and you haven't listened to the only new thing they've put out in that time lol but it's really nothing special.
I thought DM sucked when it first came out and I was like 14 at the time. I stopped listening to Slayer after WPB and I stopped listening to Megadeth after Endgame. I never got that into Anthrax. I've seen Slayer and Megadeth live twice each so I'm pretty much over "The Big 4." I'll still listen to early Slayer and Megadeth but not very often.
I know for a FACT you haven't heard PND. You jus saw the keywords "RnB" and "Drake" and immediately jumped to hating. Fuckin kill yourself that shit's fuckin lame.
I thought DM sucked when it first came out and I was like 14 at the time. I stopped listening to Slayer after WPB and I stopped listening to Megadeth after Endgame. I never got that into Anthrax. I've seen Slayer and Megadeth live twice each so I'm pretty much over "The Big 4." I'll still listen to early Slayer and Megadeth but not very often.
You really haven't missed much then. Megadeth had three albums after Endgame. TH1RT3EN which was good, but nothing great. Super Collider sucked dick, but I would give Dystopia a try if you can still jam their older stuff. Its reminiscent of some Rust era shit and its a pretty great album all together. As for Slayer, Repentless was the only thing you missed and it had some cool ideas but wasn't a great record or anything. WPB>>. But yeah if you didn't/don't like Death Magnetic, then there is nothing for you on the new single lol
: D >
He's musically a genius so it wouldn't surprise me if he has a broad musical knowledge as far as different genres and he frequently rocks Metal/Rock merch but it's always big bands like AC/DC. I wonder if he legitimately knows VARG/Burzum or if he came across it and saw a good sample opportunity.
I dont think its great. Neither the song nor the production. But y'all are being too harsh on it.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)