Thinkin of changin the title of my mixtape to XXRX. Cryptic but it literally sums up the theme perfectly. Everything on it is pretty much bout girls and drugs.
XX = female chromosome. RX = universal pharmaceutical symbol
Thinkin of changin the title of my mixtape to XXRX. Cryptic but it literally sums up the theme perfectly. Everything on it is pretty much bout girls and drugs.
XX = female chromosome. RX = universal pharmaceutical symbol
Or XXLRX to make it even more cryptic. With that added XLR in the middle for a mic cable, because music.
Jus came across this anti-porn campaign on FB called "Fight The New Drug" and I'm fuckin dying. ) Sounds as bad and ridiculously over exaggerated as MC & his SJW bullshit. They also hint all over the place that porn apparently influences rape. Shit is ludicrous.
Like bruh it ain't that serious. ) They also have an article wit a porn director who reveals that it's all fake, the dudes use dick injections and pills to last longer, the bitches find a lotta the dudes they fuck unattractive, they take breaks in between and that the final product is multiple different cuts rather than one go and that these dudes can't actually fuck for an hour without bustin. Like yea no fuckin shit, ain't a mf alive strokin the wet wet for an hour straight without bustin nuts. TV shows, movies, music videos, shit even videos from famous YouTubers, are all shot in multiple spaced out takes and then edited together. Why would porn be the only visual to not follow suit? They conclude the article wit "So as you can see, porn fools you into believing it's real and causes insecurities and strains relationships in real life."
Like what? ) I don't think there's anybody watchin the shit thinkin it's genuine and realistic and if there is they need to ky. What they act out doesn't necessarily take much talent so I don't consider them true actors and actresses, but nonetheless they're given that title for a reason. Definitely don't make me insecure either cause mfs rockin poles that big are in like a 5% range of the entire male population and bitches don't actually like it that big. Dude even said they edit out scenes where the girls are wincing in pain.
Jus came across this anti-porn campaign on FB called "Fight The New Drug" and I'm fuckin dying. ) Sounds as bad and ridiculously over exaggerated as MC & his SJW bullshit. They also hint all over the place that porn apparently influences rape. Shit is ludicrous.
Like bruh it ain't that serious. ) They also have an article wit a porn director who reveals that it's all fake, the dudes use dick injections and pills to last longer, the bitches find a lotta the dudes they fuck unattractive, they take breaks in between and that the final product is multiple different cuts rather than one go and that these dudes can't actually fuck for an hour without bustin. Like yea no fuckin shit, ain't a mf alive strokin the wet wet for an hour straight without bustin nuts. TV shows, movies, music videos, shit even videos from famous YouTubers, are all shot in multiple spaced out takes and then edited together. Why would porn be the only visual to not follow suit? They conclude the article wit "So as you can see, porn fools you into believing it's real and causes insecurities and strains relationships in real life."
Like what? ) I don't think there's anybody watchin the shit thinkin it's genuine and realistic and if there is they need to ky. What they act out doesn't necessarily take much talent so I don't consider them true actors and actresses, but nonetheless they're given that title for a reason. Definitely don't make me insecure either cause mfs rockin poles that big are in like a 5% range of the entire male population and bitches don't actually like it that big. Dude even said they edit out scenes where the girls are wincing in pain.
after a day spent watching a marathon of their favorite tv show mixed with quirky comedy commercialism a pharmaceutical commercial comes on with a miracle pill... immediately after a lawfirm commercial follows with a lawsuite against the very miracle pill
they load their AR15s head to the nearest place of gathering
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Im hourly... so it doesn't make sense. But my last three paystubs cut off at 40 hours even though I worked a little more than 40. And less than 40 is exact to the decimal how much I worked.
XX = female chromosome.
RX = universal pharmaceutical symbol
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Or XXLRX to make it even more cryptic. With that added XLR in the middle for a mic cable, because music.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Like bruh it ain't that serious.
Like what?
I hate the internet sometimes.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
after a day spent watching a marathon of their favorite tv show mixed with quirky comedy commercialism a pharmaceutical commercial comes on with a miracle pill... immediately after a lawfirm commercial follows with a lawsuite against the very miracle pill
they load their AR15s head to the nearest place of gathering
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)