i'm curious about the ze/zer thing you're talking about. from my knowledge that was generally something mostly transgender people and other lgbt ppl used. never heard of anybody from the cisgender community wanting to be called that.
He was informed he had to address all students with neutral pronouns unless they told him otherwise. He still referred to people as "him" or "her" and he was fired. This is the same school that has banned all conservative speakers from the school like Milo Yiannapolous and Ben Shapiro.
i'm curious about the ze/zer thing you're talking about. from my knowledge that was generally something mostly transgender people and other lgbt ppl used. never heard of anybody from the cisgender community wanting to be called that.
He was informed he had to address all students with neutral pronouns unless they told him otherwise. He still referred to people as "him" or "her" and he was fired. This is the same school that has banned all conservative speakers from the school like Milo Yiannapolous and Ben Shapiro.
it's not your fault you were born with all of your privileges so I can't blame you I guess
Yea fall back on "check your privilege" instead of have actual discussion. Cool.
oh come on you pretty much conceded with "agree to disagree", so I decided to make a joke.
Sorry. Ive been arguing with people, and reading shit that pisses me off all day. Literally since I woke up to now at work. Its one of those days. So my fuse is short.
i'm curious about the ze/zer thing you're talking about. from my knowledge that was generally something mostly transgender people and other lgbt ppl used. never heard of anybody from the cisgender community wanting to be called that.
He was informed he had to address all students with neutral pronouns unless they told him otherwise. He still referred to people as "him" or "her" and he was fired. This is the same school that has banned all conservative speakers from the school like Milo Yiannapolous and Ben Shapiro.
okay then as long as it's not a public university doing that it's not a present threat. You have every right to disagree with their policies and they also have the right to enforce them. I disagree with that kind of behavior, no doubt about it, but it's not like you have to go there. it's college, you have options.
okay then as long as it's not a public university doing that it's not a present threat. You have every right to disagree with their policies and they also have the right to enforce them. I disagree with that kind of behavior, no doubt about it, but it's not like you have to go there. it's college, you have options.
Its just unfortunate. I believe it is a college's job to present their students a multitude of ideas. Not just the ones the staff or certain student groups agree with. Because they just creates more polarizing issues.
I actually hate that the left and right view eachother as enemies, instead of just people with different points of view. And at the center are universities contributing to that way of thinking.
We need to come together. We need to compromise. The left and right need to stop one upping eachother with how extreme they can be. Its reactionary irrationality. And we're seeing the same mindset that universities perpetuate in this election.
Its why we have Trump in the candidacy. Its the right's reaction to the left's social extremity.
My school was a Christian school, but they never forced religion onto the students. If a student didnt want to go to church, or didnt identify as a Christian, my school didnt care. They got the same treatment and education.
Unfortunately, at certain universities, like Princeton or DePaul, if you dont hold the intersectional view point, the way you're treated is different. You're looked at as evil. And your point of views arent allowed.
Ive been paying close attention to my own thoughts and behaviors lately, and even though at my core I think Im pretty rational most of the time, and fair in my ideas and beliefs, moderate and accepting, Im not perfect. Especially when it comes to emotion. I get set off very easily.
I mean, we can all see that on here. I think I get the most pissed off more often than everyone else on here. Anger and depression thrive in me. And it doesnt take much for me to begin picturing end of the world scenerios when things like this happen.
But when I calm down and take a step back, I realize I overreact. Most of the time. Both the far left and the far right definitely scare me though. And its frustrating most people dont really care like I do.
MC I can see where you're coming from but honestly unless they start fining or jailing or punishing people for using words like mailman and shit, it's just not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. You're putting unnecessary stress on yourself. Like I read that Princeton article and was Like "wow that's kind of dumb" but that's where it ends for me. If people are comfortable with that and aren't forced to use those terms I don't see the problem. Until the world is being forced to bend over backwards to suit one class of people, it's just not going to bring about the chaos you think it is. Honestly, little gestures like this prevent the chaos. It's really not hurting anyone, so why drown yourself in negativity?
MC I can see where you're coming from but honestly unless they start fining or jailing or punishing people for using words like mailman and shit, it's just not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. You're putting unnecessary stress on yourself. Like I read that Princeton article and was Like "wow that's kind of dumb" but that's where it ends for me. If people are comfortable with that and aren't forced to use those terms I don't see the problem. Until the world is being forced to bend over backwards to suit one class of people, it's just not going to bring about the chaos you think it is. Honestly, little gestures like this prevent the chaos. It's really not hurting anyone, so why drown yourself in negativity?
Its the ideology I have an issue with more than the actions themselves. The more people just let it happen, the more the ideology thrives. And then its only a matter of time until people are jailed.
Look at Gregory Allen Elliot who was jailed in Canada for disagreeing with a feminist on Twitter.
Walked by a dude at the fair last night on a dahlia shirt and I said dahlia and flashed the horns. The dude just fucking ignored me. Then not 5 seconds later walked by a chick searing the legalize iowa shirt and I said "nice shirt I have it" and she just fucking ignored me. I guess people staring at their like something was wrong with them got to them so much the one dude that compliments them can go fuck himself.
okay that's stupid. is it a private university?
Yea its DePaul University
I actually hate that the left and right view eachother as enemies, instead of just people with different points of view. And at the center are universities contributing to that way of thinking.
We need to come together. We need to compromise. The left and right need to stop one upping eachother with how extreme they can be. Its reactionary irrationality. And we're seeing the same mindset that universities perpetuate in this election.
Its why we have Trump in the candidacy. Its the right's reaction to the left's social extremity.
Unfortunately, at certain universities, like Princeton or DePaul, if you dont hold the intersectional view point, the way you're treated is different. You're looked at as evil. And your point of views arent allowed.
I mean, we can all see that on here. I think I get the most pissed off more often than everyone else on here. Anger and depression thrive in me. And it doesnt take much for me to begin picturing end of the world scenerios when things like this happen.
But when I calm down and take a step back, I realize I overreact. Most of the time. Both the far left and the far right definitely scare me though. And its frustrating most people dont really care like I do.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Look at Gregory Allen Elliot who was jailed in Canada for disagreeing with a feminist on Twitter.