Seriously, I could bit have pictured it any more vividly. The guy knocked it out the park. Jerry starts freaking out and obsessing that all of the dust is the remains of people. George pretends to be a hero that saved multiple people. Kramer is pissed off because this guy he used to fish sit for named Mo Atta borrowed his box cutter and it turns out he used it to hijack one of the planes. Elaine is relieved that her boyfriend died so she didn't have time break up with him, only to find out that he survived.
I dont follow Buzzfeed though, so I dont see their bullshit often. But that site is cancer. Only sites that are worst that come to mind are Tumblr, The Mary Sue, Salon, and all of Gawker Media.
"They don’t know how good they have it! My whole life I’ve wanted to be a hero. Here it just falls into their laps, and they don’t even appreciate it!
Holy shit that was funny, thanks for sharing that.
And Buzzfeed wonders why it has the reputation for retardation that it does
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)