Apparently, someone at work got fired today and took their rage out on the equipment and products we use so the entire day we had everything malfunctioning and people losing their shit, while customers were standing outside bitching, demanding refunds and threatening to call corporate. did like 70 cars today as well even with all that. I have never been happier to have Mondays off in my life lol
Well that was super gay. Tried installing something to customize my keyboard. System crashed. Booted in safe mode. Couldn't get it to restart so I did a hard reset and now Cydia won't open and everything I installed is gone (nfl logo)
guess ill ill have to re do it tomorrow
Yeah, you got to be careful that you don't install really old tweaks that haven't been updated in forever or you risk having what happened to you happen again.
Also with the jailbreak you did it's tethered. Which means that anytime your phone restarts you have to re-jailbreak on the plus side from what I've read it only takes a couple seconds. But honestly, that's what's stopping me from updating my phone and using the new tool to jailbreak because on the older jailbreak I am on I don't have to do that shit.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
ok finally got it. for some reason when i did the restore it didn't use the correct restore point. Had to totally wipe my phone and start over. all set now doe
Some comedian wrote a script for Seinfeld set days after 9/11. I'm fucking dying right now at how well it was written. Reading it is like watching an episode
Also with the jailbreak you did it's tethered. Which means that anytime your phone restarts you have to re-jailbreak on the plus side from what I've read it only takes a couple seconds. But honestly, that's what's stopping me from updating my phone and using the new tool to jailbreak because on the older jailbreak I am on I don't have to do that shit.
now im having a hell of a time getting the jailbreak to work on my phone again.
i used the taco blend on some chips and cheese last night and its officially the goat for chips and cheese
I drank so much milk and ice cream then proceeded to shit my brains out that night. I knew exactly when the mango habanero wings were coming out.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)