I thought it was great but maybe not as consistent all the way through as the other two. The highs were really high though. Like a couple episodes were some of the best in the series but there were also some episodes that I felt pretty meh about which I hadn't felt before.
I know 95% of the people on here don't give a shit about nu-metal, but i'm curious as to what some of you think of this article our site put up. Everyone on our site had a part in it.
I know 95% of the people on here don't give a shit about nu-metal, but i'm curious as to what some of you think of this article our site put up. Everyone on our site had a part in it.
It was well written and pointed out all the right stuff. Don't know if I would say nu-metal is making a resurgence though. I'd say it's been pretty much a dead genre as of like 2004. Most nu-metal bands that are still active have moved on to experiment with weird shit or are just basically churning out basic hard rock records. Come to think of it, the only straight up nu-metal release I can think of that was some what recent was Bizkit's Gold Cobra back in 2011.
King 810 just comes off as that newer wave of try-hardy bro core shit imo. I'd liken them more to like Death Punch than I would to like Korn or something.
I know 95% of the people on here don't give a shit about nu-metal, but i'm curious as to what some of you think of this article our site put up. Everyone on our site had a part in it.
It was well written and pointed out all the right stuff. Don't know if I would say nu-metal is making a resurgence though. I'd say it's been pretty much a dead genre as of like 2004. Most nu-metal bands that are still active have moved on to experiment with weird shit or are just basically churning out basic hard rock records. Come to think of it, the only straight up nu-metal release I can think of that was some what recent was Bizkit's Gold Cobra back in 2011.
I think its more that there's a resurgence of nu metal influence in a lot of newer bands. None of the bands we mentioned are straight up nu metal necessarily, but theyre very evidently taking influence. Granted, the other guy who runs the site is biased towards nu metal.