So I'm gonna go on a road trip to score acid in the parking lot of a Phish concert when I already know where to get it, and then I'm gonna turn around and go home...
Couldn't give half ashit about slipknot or corey taylor. It's not offensive, Glen is just still as always bitching about shit that doesn't matter, just to keep some form of relevancy with the media. You remember all that shit with Broken Hope? He's got a fucking upside down cross branded on his damn face for fuck sake lol. Dude needs to get over himself.
Corey Taylor has been making a jackass out of himself lately. Glen just has a big enough following where people still kinda care what he thinks. He's not unique in his opinion. I can't stand Corey. Shitknot is pretty bad, but Stone Sour exists in the same box as Nickelback. That homo thinks he's metal's mouthpiece now. Fuck him
They're both jackasses that think their opinions matter more than anyone else's. Deicide is basically irrelevant in FL now, they haven't even played a tampa/surrounding area show in the last year. Except for FL Metal fest which doesn't really count since they were a support slot for Obituary/C.O.C. They can't even hardly finish their tours (ie Broken hope, Metal alliance tour) because of his bullshit ego. He works in a fucking pawn shop in tampa too lol. Yeah, you're right, Corey is an egotistical jackass, and his music is overrated. The exact same thing can be said about Glen. The first couple albums by both bands are evidently influential, but neither has done shit worthwile in years.
All that sounds like is a salty ass bitch that's irate a band much more successful than his didn't take them out on tour and he's still bitter. Traits of a spiteful bitch.
Ehh. I dont really know anyone that is a super hardcore Deicide fan. Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Obituary, and of course Death, and Possessed are far more influential to the death metal scene as far as classic death metal bands go. Deicide is more second tier inspiration with like early Cynic, Massacre, Atheist, and Bloodbath.
yeah lots younger "true" metal bands will list bands like Korn and Slipknot as influences. what's crazy to me is how many people outside of metal love Slipknot. I remember when I was younger most people I met were like "i don't like that metal shit but Slipknot it cool", now-a-days there's tons of people in rock bands and even rappers who look up to metal figures that were big on MTV. Slipknot, Korn, Marilyn Manson, even Limp Bizkit. It's interesting.
yeah lots younger "true" metal bands will list bands like Korn and Slipknot as influences. what's crazy to me is how many people outside of metal love Slipknot. I remember when I was younger most people I met were like "i don't like that metal shit but Slipknot it cool", now-a-days there's tons of people in rock bands and even rappers who look up to metal figures that were big on MTV. Slipknot, Korn, Marilyn Manson, even Limp Bizkit. It's interesting.
Simply cause they're true rockstars in the literal sense of the word and Hip Hop is all bout that rockstar lifestyle too. "Trve" salty ass Metal fans will always hate them simply cause they don't have a fanbase of <1000, but there's somethin admirable bout comin from a completely underground genre/scene and still bein known worldwide. It's funny cause nowadays when I tell people I used to listen to Metal and had a Metal phase, almost everybody says "Oh like Slipknot and shit?". They're a household name.
Yeah, I'm the dumb one.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Nice to know everyone has people's backs there. I swear I'm the only one that will stay late.
Corey Taylor has been making a jackass out of himself lately. Glen just has a big enough following where people still kinda care what he thinks. He's not unique in his opinion. I can't stand Corey. Shitknot is pretty bad, but Stone Sour exists in the same box as Nickelback. That homo thinks he's metal's mouthpiece now. Fuck him
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I agree Slipknot is THE gateway band though.