Sounds like you guys are about to be hearing about a serial killer that was just caught out here. I ignored this story about this girl that went missing when she was riding bike because it annoyed me that people to missing every day but this random white girl causes everybody to lose their shirt. Well they found her body. Then they arrested a guy who just stop happened to hit a girl riding her bike in the 90s with his truck and they were able to connect him with this. Information about the warrant they served came out and they found a bunch of murdery stuff like a secret room in a barn with restraints, a freezer lined with carpet and a deadbolt in the outside, women's underwear, the whole 9. Now the rumors are flying and my cop friend swears up and down he has reliable info that they've found some human remains, some of which they're pretty sure are his moms. I'm still pretty skeptical but we'll see.
Yeah the case was exactly the same. Girl on a bike by herself and he attacked her. I forgot how that all ended but I remember seeing it on the news when Sierra was still missing and going "oh obviously it was that guy. It's literally the exact same thing that happened."
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Kinda looks like baby wine.
Dodnt realize jay liked getting lit
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)