every time this girl im friends with, who is very attractive, posts a pic of herself or makes one of them girly self pity posts on facebook there's always the same few guys always coming to the rescue saying shit like "you're so beautiful", "oh don't say that, you're gorgeous" etc. they must have a whole lot of salt in their diets because i aint ever seen anybody so thirsty before. what's even worse is they don't even realize they're in the friend zone.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Wake jelly cause he has a wife and kids and has to be responsible.
ayo bitch I'm drunk, glad your wifw was hospitalized hope she is still on her deathbed. Hope you lose more sleep.
welcome back doe
) ) this shit is so funny. Funny because of how you misread one of my comments a few days ago. And i know you were just kidding with me but I want to clear the air.
When I said my wife was in the hospital and I havent slept in a few days, I didnt mean I wasnt sleeping because I was worried to death. I wasnt sleeping because I was forced to take care of my 4 month old baby who hasn't ever had a bottle before. Truth be told, If my wife were to have died in surgery I'd literally give 0 fucks. We have 2+ Million dollar life insurance policy on her. So yeah... It's too bad I didn't get what you were hoping.
ayo bitch I'm drunk, glad your wifw was hospitalized hope she is still on her deathbed. Hope you lose more sleep.
welcome back doe
>been on MU all day
forgot everything after that
Was hoping he was getting texts
When I said my wife was in the hospital and I havent slept in a few days, I didnt mean I wasnt sleeping because I was worried to death. I wasnt sleeping because I was forced to take care of my 4 month old baby who hasn't ever had a bottle before. Truth be told, If my wife were to have died in surgery I'd literally give 0 fucks. We have 2+ Million dollar life insurance policy on her.