If you've fallen out of love, then you're together with the wrong person. That's the way I see it. And even if you don't feel the same way about your significant other, that's a horrible way to look at somebody. "Meh, who cares if she - my wife, the mother of my children - died? I have millions and can get any bitch I want now". Scum.
I never said I fell out of love with her. In fact above I said I did love her most of the time... Difficult time reading? What you don't understand in your idealistic "I put pussy on a pedestal" world, is how actual relationships work. Your fairytale world of how relationships are has no basis in reality. I'd be willing to bet you 10,000 dollars that if you ever do get married (HA) that your marriage will not last a decade.
I mean the bottom line is when you are with someone as long as I am, you don't have that strong fairytale passion love for the person anymore. I was being crass before, and if my wife did die like Rex hoped she would, then yeah I'd be sad. But you know what? It wouldnt be the end of my life. I'd get over losing here, and my life would just take a new turn. that's all I was saying.
stop being such a bitch. it's a message forum where probably less then 50% of all comments is actually based in reality.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
If you're saying I seem bitter towards you, then news flash- I don't get pissed or angry at anyone on a internet forum. I literally care nothing of you. If you're saying I seem bitter towards someone else- I dont know what you mean.
The only way I will ever get married is if I'm well over 100% sure it's the correct decision. It also has to feel right and we have to live together at the very least 1-2 years first. Because if that ever happens, I refuse to get divorced. And loving someone "most of the time" is a buncha bs. You either love them (meaning in love), or you don't. That simple. There's no dancing around that. And obviously that passion from the beginning will fade out over time, especially after kids n shit and alone time is rare. But it is both of y'alls jobs to not let that fire go out
I feel no need to get married. We've been together 6 years now and no problems or arguments for the last 4. What's the point in fucking up something that already works?
Fucking dress up and party like it's halloween. One of my friends got married this summer. They just did the ceremony shit at the courthouse and had a massive byob bonfire afterwards
So if athletes flash gang signs like the nd players did on the snap I got they are just being cool. But if it's a dude that the cops killed then he's a piece of shit
The coolest wedding I've ever been to was my mom's friends when I was a kid. They are the biggest nerds I've ever met. Comics, table top games, you name it they like it. Sci fi and fantasy tv shows like Highlander and Firefly would pay them legit money to organize and run their fan clubs.
So I'm like 9 and my mom tells me we're going to their wedding. She then asks me if I want to dress like a stormtrooper or a vampire. I was like wtf? Turns out their wedding was a costume wedding. Comic con has fucking nothing on this wedding. 200+ people dressed up as zombies and elves and crazy ass space aliens and shit )
Book a bunch of bands and sell tickets. It'll pay for itself.
I know a guy that did that for his birthday party, but it was Oi/Hardcore bands. Most were smaller or local, but he got Slapshot to headline. It was their first show in Atlanta, ever. I would love to do something like that
Yeah there is a good chance of that too. I ride a motorcycle and do other risky things while living my life. Sometimes I reflect and think "Jesus fucking Christ - How am I still alive with all that risky shit?" But you know what? It's been fun, and I'd much rather die doing something that brings my life pleasure, then spend a life time in misery playing it safe like MC. Oh and the good thing about me dieing before my wife? My life insurance policy is much higher then hers. Not because I value my life more, but just because that's how the plans at my work are offered. It's all based on X times the amount of my annual pay and the direct employee gets a higher multiplication factor.
So I'm like 9 and my mom tells me we're going to their wedding. She then asks me if I want to dress like a stormtrooper or a vampire. I was like wtf? Turns out their wedding was a costume wedding. Comic con has fucking nothing on this wedding. 200+ people dressed up as zombies and elves and crazy ass space aliens and shit