Lombardo is cool, that doesn't make him not an asshole.
What are you talking about? I'm lost
The shit he has been spewing about Slayer since he got kicked out. Look, I know King is an asshole for firing Dave. He was just trying to help. But a week before a huge tour isn't the time. They had been trying to contact him for a month and Dave was dipping because he was pissed. The money issue is a huge issue and a week before a big tour in Europe just ain't the time to do it. Do I think King rushed his decision to fire Dave? Yeah but know Dave won't hop off SLayer's cock. Every interview he is talking some bullshit. The last one I read he said "Oh you might as well just go by the last record. The new one will be nothing new or exciting just typical Slayer. They're just re-recording my drums and all the stuff I wrote." Like dude, that just reeks of jealousy.
Or he is just calling it like he sees it? Is anybody really expecting the next album to be anything ground breaking? We could pretty much gather up a list of key words and write all the lyrics right now, especially with Jeff gone.
New Slayer record cant wait Murder death blood rape War Jesus hate castrate Bleed and cry till you diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie
) dead. Idk maybe not groundbreaking, but what band that has been around for 30+ years and tours consistently has released anything groundbreaking. Most of them are done by this point.
So I look up that song on "dangerous" on youtube. Are we in a weird place with technology and hipsters and not mainstream to where the tastes are folding inward and collapsing? All the comments are recent and about people discovering them and has anybody heard it holy shit it sounds like arcade fire.....yet every time in the last couple months I've ridden in my roommates car, I've heard it on the radio lol
>likes them on facebook
I didn't say I never heard of them. And I liked them to keep track of them, in case I decide to do the show.
Apparently nobody knows how ebola spreads.
Pepper = going
>Hasn't been released yet