Well then their opinions don't matter, do they? Any real metal head, even if you don't like Pantera, should at least show appreciation for what they've done and achieved.
Didn't hit Atlanta so I didn't even know about it. I still know from experience that Pantera were extremely undervalued during their later years
Ok? That has nothing to do with what you said though. Dime wasnt playing in that bar because Pantera wasnt popular. Dime was playing that bar because Damageplan sucks.
Do you guys think Damageplan would have continued if Dime didn't get shot? Or do you think Hellyeah would have eventually wound up happening with Dime instead of.....whoever it is now.
well they way he made it sound it was cause people weren't going off for pantera. Which was not the case
Didn't hit Atlanta so I didn't even know about it. I still know from experience that Pantera were extremely undervalued during their later years
satan u from Atlanta?
Obv you never been to MU... Half these buster ass faggots don't like Pantera and think megadeathfags is better.
faggots gonna fag.
Call the Metal Police.
Ok? That has nothing to do with what you said though. Dime wasnt playing in that bar because Pantera wasnt popular. Dime was playing that bar because Damageplan sucks.
Damn damage plan was so beat ahaja
My fucking sides
Older than the internet
0. I've never seen it.
don't get it. 0.
flag away.