damn Vinnie saw it? Didn't know that. But if he cut ties with her because of that then he should kill himself. People lose people everyday and they move on. hes holding a grudge to hold a grudge.
if I was to go out like the dude that got killed at the log show I would tell my family to shake Randy's hand and say thank you for the joy you caused in my sons life.
It ain't even Phil or Vinnie's fault now. Its all these retard reviewers feeding the rumor because all they say is "Durrrrrr you used to be in Pantera durrr hows about a reunion?" It probably won't ever happen.
Fuck Vinnie. He's the reason none of this shit happens or anything. He cut ties with Dime's gf cause she made peace with Phil. Fuck Vinnie.
Ever think beyond the fact that Dime's death isn't the only thing that worries Vinnie about a reunion? No? No one ever does. That is a big reason, but I doubt its all of it. I think he is legitimately worried about fucking up. Pantera, at their prime, were a fucking machine. They had the world in their hands. Imagine coming back and finding out no one gives a fuck or that you don't have even close to similar impact on people. People these days are fucking retarded. They will suck Asking Alexandria's dick, then when asked who Kerry King is, they'll say "Who?" Or realizing that the majority of people who loved Pantera loved it for Dime. Then Vinnie will forever live in his brother's shadow that he can't hate or resolve the issue with because he ain't here no more. I'm not saying these are the reasons, but who fucking knows? Also, I respect Vinnie for wanting to keep Pantera's legacy intact. But I don't respect the way he is going about it. I don't believe he should hold so much animosity to Phil. Its been too long, too much crap has been said and done. Phil has done his fair share of grieving and been through a lot of shit. He deserves to be able to at least sit down and talk with Vinnie. I really wish asshole reporters would just stop fucking pestering them. Vinnie is getting pissed, and they just keep giving false hope to Phil.
Just realized I've lost 15 pounds or so in the 5 weeks I've been working construction, which is awesome, but it's trying not to eat garbage on the weekends now. I want some fried chicken goddammit.
Also Todd that last statement shows how little you know about pantera. No fucking way Phil would let them play places that have a bunch of seats up front .
I cut Vinnie slack cuz he watched his brother get shot in the face
I'm surprised dude even tours now tbh
Fuck had to go back and look
Was a brutal series
Yeah..what caused it was taken out of context anyways. People say the wrong things at the wrong time when people they love die.let it go
Flopping ass fags.....fuck Lebron that was just a good foul. Refs can suck my dick
>wouldn't be good without dimebag
>lead guitarist was dimebag
I said shit, not good. If dime wasn't the fucking guitarist they wouldn't have been in Ohio because no one would have known who the fuck they were.
That's some mighty fine logic right there.
Ever think beyond the fact that Dime's death isn't the only thing that worries Vinnie about a reunion? No? No one ever does. That is a big reason, but I doubt its all of it. I think he is legitimately worried about fucking up. Pantera, at their prime, were a fucking machine. They had the world in their hands. Imagine coming back and finding out no one gives a fuck or that you don't have even close to similar impact on people. People these days are fucking retarded. They will suck Asking Alexandria's dick, then when asked who Kerry King is, they'll say "Who?" Or realizing that the majority of people who loved Pantera loved it for Dime. Then Vinnie will forever live in his brother's shadow that he can't hate or resolve the issue with because he ain't here no more. I'm not saying these are the reasons, but who fucking knows? Also, I respect Vinnie for wanting to keep Pantera's legacy intact. But I don't respect the way he is going about it. I don't believe he should hold so much animosity to Phil. Its been too long, too much crap has been said and done. Phil has done his fair share of grieving and been through a lot of shit. He deserves to be able to at least sit down and talk with Vinnie. I really wish asshole reporters would just stop fucking pestering them. Vinnie is getting pissed, and they just keep giving false hope to Phil.
Darko doe?
Also Todd that last statement shows how little you know about pantera. No fucking way Phil would let them play places that have a bunch of seats up front .