I visited my girl back in the day at her dorm, I didn't even do nothin. Just smelled like booze, walked by the RA and he snitched and I got detained by campus security. I wouldn't tell them who I was there to visit so they called the cops and I got arrested. My girl finally came to the police station an got me. I didn't get charged with anything, just was banned from the dorm. She only had a month left so fuck it. My point is, I have a high ass tolerance I could have 15 beers in me and be normal as fuck. Just happy my girl ain't get in Trouble.
they kept askin me wtf i was doin there and who i was there to see. i just kept smiling and sayin, i aint tellin ya..... then they threatened me with cops, i siad 0. My girl by that time i was with her like 6 years, 15 now, but anyway.. there was no way i was gonna risk snitching and getting her in trouble. so the cops came, took me to the station, put me in like a holding bench area, then my girl just came and signed me out. no charges.
Shoutout to Tinder on some real shit. Easiest app to get your dick wet. MC & Slap need to download the app. You'll thank me later.
My buddy just started using tinder and one of the first girls he got matched up with that first day asked him if he had ever made a girl squirt before )
He replied back to her "Holy shit, this really does work like that" )
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
He replied back to her "Holy shit, this really does work like that"
Tinder shows no love for the kid :-<