Only time I've been able to sleep good on an airplane is when I was bumped to 1st class. Pretty much slept that entire trip in comfort.
Hard as shit to sleep in coach tho. I'm too damn tall to get comfortable in those seats.
But at least most of the airplanes that I go on serve free beer/wine. Makes sleeping easier,... if you have an isle seat,... for the many piss breaks from the beer.
nothing is pay for it in your ticket price
Had a family consultation with one of the main doctors at the ICU today......grandma has been on a ventilator for 5 days and they are starting to become worried she may never be off from it...the pneumonia is slowly getting worse....they said if she doesn't have improvements in the next week we are going to have to consider a tracheotomy so that she could live with a ventilator and with out a tube irritating her throat....she open her eye and looked at me today when I said her name and told her I loved her...the doctor said most likely she won't remember anything like that....she's on propofol ( the Michael Jackson drug) and the doc said that gives you was a better day though so we can hope to make baby steps tomorrow and hopefully her body gets the energy to kill of the infection
I may have an email interview with one of the most important bands in extreme metal, just waiting for the confirmation. Preparing questions now just in case.
My friend's band are on their first full tour of north america, their first Canada show is tonight, and apparently their drummer was detained after crossing the border.
A potential opener for the much-rumored Nine Inch Nails/Soundgarden co-headlining summer tour has emerged. Death Grips were recently listed on the bill for an August 05th show at Farm Bureau Live in Virginia Beach, VA. That Live Nation listing has since been pulled however.
" I would rather live my life believing in god and die and find out there isn't, then live my life not believing in god and die to find out there is"
My god Christians are hypocrites
After death no less?