Well last night they said my grandmas pneumonia was slightly better but today my dad called me and the doc said that she hasn't responded as well as they would like to see over 48 hours and that usually means it's going to be a long haul.... Fuck I hate ups and downs like this :-<
Had to get some two hearted ale tonight...haven't been able to sleep with everything going on...gonna catch a buzz and hopefully sleep gotta work at 1- tomorrow...probably not the best idea but fuck
Fuck my dad just showed me a video of my gma from a month ago talking about how she was lucky to have so many life experiences....she was saying how she was scared of bears when she had to go to the out house as a teenager....fuck it made me sad but it was great to hear her voice
was thinking about what i wanted to do with my life the other night. think i am going to be a gym teacher. literally perfect for me, don't have to do the same thing over everyday, get to have fun, don't have to sit in a cubicle.
"Pissing in the Mainstream"
Which if they get Morbid Angel and Dying Fetus count my ass there.
Thinking I should take the hint