I'm not so much complaining I had to hear but just flabbergasted she'd kind of just throw it out there. You don't need to tell me why you're wanting the return if it's that serious. Keep that private.
I understand it might be a touchy subject since you had a baby recently, but you should understand that the death of your child is probably something better kept private with people close to you. Really it's just the fact that I don't expect to hear that kind of stuff when I'm just working at Office Depot. It's unusual and was slightly unsettling, but it didn't upset me by any means. I'm not mad just kinda taken a back.
Once again erik tell me how I am bring a bitch if anything I'm calling him a bitch for acting the way he is. Fucking deal with it you're not going through the tragedy you little shit
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Its like you are trying too hard to annoy people with your negativity and its not just this thread its every thread every once in a while its funny every post is just sad.
retail is just lame. anyone in the world can walk into your store and do whatever they wish, and in the end you have to clean up after them. that's what I hate the most.
one time we were really busy at subway and someone took a massive dump and didnt tell us about it. well it clogged so i had to go clean it. took like 15 minutes and we were busy af with only one person on the line. i was pissed.
It's funny when a dude fake plays guitar in a movie.. If the song your playing is obviously palm muted power chords at least fake it and don't just strum all the fucking strings lol
Not trying to cause issues with you but that's the vibe I've been feeling lately. Just chill, its a stupid forum full of stupid people.
UNTIL you have a child, UNTIL. You have a CHILD...