One by one, people are bailing. Nobody wants to be the last one to leave the party. The fire is gone, only the coals are left, and soon this place will be nothing but ashes.
"Hey, I know of this forum... It used to be ok I guess but now it kinda sucks. Anyway, most of the cool people who were there ending up leaving because they got sick of the same retarded shit going on day in and day out. Anyway, everybody is cunts to each other there, and its a sausage fest by the way, but I was wondering if you would like to maybe join the suck hole?"
I think this place is still relatively active, or at least the few people that are here talk bitch a fucking ton because whenever I come on here I have no idea what anybody is talking about in most of the threads.
It really is slower. I remember when i first joined their would be 100+ new posts in several threads from when I went to bed to when I woke up the next day. Now I'm lucky to see 15-20 new posts from the time I get off here to when I come back on.
Hell, the original forum was so busy that you could post in a thread and go back to the main page and the thread you just posted in would be towards the bottom of the page, and there was already 10 new comments or more in every thread. Now days, these selfish twats won't even entertain a fella at work anymore. A busy thread now might get 15 new comments overnight.
I miss the morning people waking up and saying "yo, what the fuck did you guys do here last night?"
Think it's time to add new peeps :-?
Good luck with that.
There is no food here Marc.
I miss the morning people waking up and saying "yo, what the fuck did you guys do here last night?"