have any of you guys ever gotten a really weird vibe when meeting a beloved band? not necessarily a negative one, but just sort of a communication disconnect? when I went to the yawning man show and spoke with the bassist and guitarist, they were nice and grateful for my attendance and dedication, but they just gave off this really awkward sort of vibe like I was from mars or something. my first guess is that they were just really fucking high because they smoke a shit ton of weed, but it seemed to go beyond that. especially the bassist. it was almost like he was autistic or something. I bought a vinyl off him and he sort of seemed timid about shaking hands and speaking. I mean I came four and a half fucking hours to see them after not knowing if I would ever get to witness a YM show in my lifetime lol. maybe he's just done hard drugs over the years and it kind of messed him up? idk, but I just wondered if anybody else has had similar experiences.
I met Randy at a LoG meet and greet (right before Wrath came out) and he couldn't have been more disinterested. He signed a few autographs, but didn't really talk and kept staring down not looking at anybody.
Talking about why the Snowpiercer movie has to cut 20 minutes of footage for the U.S. )
The goal, said TWC when explaining the request to Bong, is to make sure his film “will be understood by audiences in Iowa… and Oklahoma.” Weinstein also asked for introductory and closing voice-overs to be added in.
Whenever I hang out at this one friends house, if we chill outside hell turn on the radio in the garage, but it's this same mix tape of 80's pop every single time like I mean every single time. It might contribute to me going mental one day.
Plus one time when I was bored I flagged a shit ton of Ape's posts and his points went down lol
He looked hung over as fuck.
The goal, said TWC when explaining the request to Bong, is to make sure his film “will be understood by audiences in Iowa… and Oklahoma.” Weinstein also asked for introductory and closing voice-overs to be added in.