The bikini is obviously from the old-school trilogy, none of the stitching that marked the book in the remake is present. It’s definitely disgusting – but somehow I think more than a few of you might spring for this thing (even though it’s $100).
I was just talking to my friend Stephanie about music on FB, and several other people joined in, and after like 10 minutes or so, I realized i was talking to one of the guitarists from Battlecross and the vocalist from 7 Horns 7 Eyes.
idda lold hard if you happened to be shit talking either band
No lol, but the guy from 7H7E said how Prog and black metal bores him, BUT he mentioned how he used to shit talk Chelsea Grin and now he loves them lol
idda lold hard if you happened to be shit talking either band
No lol, but the guy from 7H7E said how Prog and black metal bores him, BUT he mentioned how he used to shit talk Chelsea Grin and now he loves them lol
so at first he was deaf, now hes even more deaf :-?
idda lold hard if you happened to be shit talking either band
No lol, but the guy from 7H7E said how Prog and black metal bores him, BUT he mentioned how he used to shit talk Chelsea Grin and now he loves them lol
so at first he was deaf, now hes an even more deaf :-?
They aren't too terrible but they aren't good either. Just hate the way the singer goes Fred Durst with his hands when he sings )
idda lold hard if you happened to be shit talking either band
No lol, but the guy from 7H7E said how Prog and black metal bores him, BUT he mentioned how he used to shit talk Chelsea Grin and now he loves them lol
so at first he was deaf, now hes even more deaf :-?
Basically lol, he says heavy metal bores him, and he's only a fan of "the most extreme stuff"
Devin Faraci over at Badass Digest found a listing on Etsy (you can buy it here for an Evil Dead bikini that combines your Slave Leia inclinations with something a bit more… fleshy.
The bikini is obviously from the old-school trilogy, none of the stitching that marked the book in the remake is present. It’s definitely disgusting – but somehow I think more than a few of you might spring for this thing (even though it’s $100).
"I love how Vampiro is just in the background looking on like hes rethinking all his life decisions he's made to get him to this point."
Which i guess to him is CG