Holy shit just had 315 Lbs. fall on me at the gym lol. Was doing calf raises on the smith machine, and thought I heard it latch after my last rep. It didn't. And I also had the safety catchers all the way at the bottom.
All the sudden, I feel myself just being crushed down, I instinctively just let myself go limp and just fell wit the bar instead of fighting it, 'cause I knew the safeties would catch it. Made myself fall and lay flat as soon as it hit the catchers so it wouldn't land on my neck and spine.
Like 3 people came rushing over panicking like I just died lol. Got up walking normal without a scratch, I'm fucking lucky doe, I felt immense pressure on my knees at first. My first thought was "Well I'm bout to be Derrick Rose.". )
I missed the whole fucking thing..my wife told me..I was talking to my father and I already told ytou guys I was deaf from tinnitus..next thing I know it looked like a disco outside from all the cop lights... Shit don't happen in thisneighborhood like that...Come to find out the kid was a kid who touched their daughter when he wasn't supposed to and was arrested for it but came back beacause he "thought it was ok". BAD DECISION! lol
Our prices just went up a lot :-L
All the sudden, I feel myself just being crushed down, I instinctively just let myself go limp and just fell wit the bar instead of fighting it, 'cause I knew the safeties would catch it. Made myself fall and lay flat as soon as it hit the catchers so it wouldn't land on my neck and spine.
Like 3 people came rushing over panicking like I just died lol. Got up walking normal without a scratch, I'm fucking lucky doe, I felt immense pressure on my knees at first. My first thought was "Well I'm bout to be Derrick Rose.".
Shit don't happen in thisneighborhood like that...Come to find out the kid was a kid who touched their daughter when he wasn't supposed to and was arrested for it but came back beacause he "thought it was ok". BAD DECISION! lol