If something like that was in the vid real that shit would be all over the news. But I trust our government ZERO so who knows..It could be I guess. I'm open minded to weird shit. I lived in a house that was haunted and I would tell you guys the story but no one would believe me. We had to move. Shit got weird.
I believe the whale beaching were caused by the government..why else would they beach themselves..I havent researched it at all but aren't beachings fairly new to the world..Lets say since the 60's....
hmm there are whale beachings from natural things but not that many at once animals have been shown to commit suicide so they actually could beach themselves
If something like that was in the vid real that shit would be all over the news. But I trust our government ZERO so who knows..It could be I guess. I'm open minded to weird shit. I lived in a house that was haunted and I would tell you guys the story but no one would believe me. We had to move. Shit got weird.
I think there's a paranormal thread somewhere on here. But 99% of the people on this site say all that shit is fake so no one really talks about it that's experienced unexplained bs. As for the mermaid bs who knows but I don't really care at this point. It is an interesting thing to think about though lol
If something like that was in the vid real that shit would be all over the news. But I trust our government ZERO so who knows..It could be I guess. I'm open minded to weird shit. I lived in a house that was haunted and I would tell you guys the story but no one would believe me. We had to move. Shit got weird.
I think there's a paranormal thread somewhere on here. But 99% of the people on this site say all that shit is fake so no one really talks about it that's experienced unexplained bs. As for the mermaid bs who knows but I don't really care at this point. It is an interesting thing to think about though lol
bump the paranormal thread and I'll tell you what happened..no bullshit..fucking weird shit
Fuck you asshole Arlo..go learn football before chiming in and making yourself look the fool then trying to cover your stupidity by saying.."It's the way you worded it". Little red hooded dweeb.
My post said:
"You'll have to excuse Gary, he's not very good with words."
That comment had 0% to do about Deacon Jones and 100% to do with the textual vomit that you consistently spew out on this forum.
Fuck you asshole Arlo..go learn football before chiming in and making yourself look the fool then trying to cover your stupidity by saying.."It's the way you worded it". Little red hooded dweeb.
My post said:
"You'll have to excuse Gary, he's not very good with words."
That comment had 0% to do about Deacon Jones and 100% to do with the textual vomit that you consistently spew out on this forum.
i dont even wanna get into this anymore because it bums me out ok
animals have been shown to commit suicide so they actually could beach themselves
Talk about a brief snapshot in time
>edits it out to keep a tidy forum
>gets flagged
>inhale sulfer you cunts
My post said:
"You'll have to excuse Gary, he's not very good with words."
That comment had 0% to do about Deacon Jones and 100% to do with the textual vomit that you consistently spew out on this forum.
now you know
I taught you something so next time you might wanna google before typing O Holy Atheist Priest of the Night.