1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
edited June 2013
Probably a more athletic body type (soccer players are amazing), on the taller side, and I like girls on the more pale side (true blondes, red heads, and brunettes).
And by athletic, I don't mean ripped like those girls Erik has posted...
This was the first time in a long time that I have been blown away by a girl's looks.
Bullshit, you go to Texas A&M.
I'm not impressed with sorority girls...
Whoa there, bud. Good sororities are very, very diverse in their looks. One of the sororities here has the whole smorgasbord of attractive women. But either way, I understand what you mean.
And by athletic, I don't mean ripped like those girls Erik has posted...
Any personality traits you find yourself more attracted to?
Expired November 2011