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    Flavored seltzer water gang
    I hate most of those but I've tried spindiff and that's good. 

    Yeah spindrift puts a little bit of fruit juice in their seltzers so it has some sweetness. I like those too.

    There was this brand called Ugly Water that I drank religiously because it was seltzer water but they flavored it to taste like Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew, Cherry Coke, etc but they closed down during the pandemic. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,804 spicy boy
    Taylor swift being in Denver right now is Fucking my shit up 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    Not having a car is starting to get annoying af, and the only thing more annoying is actually talking to car dealers 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,996 jayfacer
    NOCAP said:
    I been so fucking pissed today, feels like I’m suddenly in the same type of situation Rex was in and my job is now tryna force a reason to get rid of me for whatever reason. 

    I get into work today and my supervisor says he needs to take me to HR. I’m legitimately confused as fuck because there literally has been no incidents, no safety infractions, shit not even a tardy or an absence. So I’m thinking what could this possibly be about.

    We have a system in the computer where, when items come in, we need to “receive” them in the software, and they get received to and placed in a designated, numbered/lettered area. And if any specific department needs said part, you need to do a separate quantity move procedure in the software and move it from A to B.

    So my write up today, was that there was an item I quantity moved in JANUARY, a half a year ago, that I apparently moved in the software, but didn’t physically move it. So in other words, I did the digital quantity move from A to B, but physically left it in A and never took it to B.

    Now I’m not even trying to deny responsibility, but there’s an entire boatload of reasons that there was no actual mistake made on my end. First and foremost, due to my shift alone, I rarely ever do quantity moves. I’m here alone for the most part, so the only time I ever do quantity moves is when the few people that are here out on the floor area, request a part because they need it NOW. So the chances that I jus forgot to physically bring it to them are slim to none, because they would come back to my area and remind me that they need it. There was one time, I didn’t even forget, but I was jus extremely busy and didn’t do it fast enough for them, so they made sure to come back a second time and ride my dick about it. 

    Second off, this was 6 MONTHS AGO. So many parts and boxes are constantly getting moved and cycled around, it is literally impossible to say wit full conviction that I simply never brought it over there. It’s entirely possible that I brought it over there, and some dumbass ended up returning it to our area, without doing the computer work to document the move. There’s literally been plenty of times where we received a part to a floor location, and they sent it back saying they didn’t have room, so we then had to do an additional quantity move and move it to one of our stock locations. 

    Lastly, we have no way of tracking individual boxes unless it is the only one left. You can track the serial number and the history of everything done to that serial number, but that’s for the quantity as a whole. So let’s say this particular number comes at 5,000 per box, but there was 50,000 total sitting in that same location, then the only thing the previous transactions shows is that 5,000 left that location and 5,000 ended up either staying or returning to that location. But that 5,000 could have been an entirely separate box containing the same part, but not the specific one that I moved and was responsible for. Again, it is a very real scenario that somebody found a stray box of this part somewhere in the building and simply returned it to that location since that’s where the rest were, but never did the quantity move and documented it. 

    What really fucking gets me is that this is not even a high dollar item whatsoever, it’s a nuts and bolts typa piece that comes in thousands per box, and it very clearly was not urgent, considering this was a move made 6 fucking months ago, that was not being looked for until now, in July. 

    We can pull up our entire history in the software, and so I went all the way back to the exact date and part this apparently happened on, and I literally had to scroll thru TWO THOUSAND of my previous transactions to get to that one. So even IF, and that is one gigantic fucking if, if I actually legitimately did make this minor mistake, I get 1,999 correct and 1 wrong and you go straight to fucking writing me up?? It would be one thing if this was a repeat offense type thing but it wasn’t, this is the first time ever in over a year working here that I had any kind of issue like this come up, and they went straight to write up. And make no mistake, it was MINOR. I did not lose them any money, I did not lose the part, at the very worst if I actually did fuck up, then the worst that happened was that it was misplaced and it took them a little extra effort to find it. But it was still in the warehouse and unopened.

    I wasn’t fired, but I’m now in the “Next strike, you’re out.” boat. Infractions are wiped off of our record after a year, but that means any tiny mistake from now until next July means I’m gone. And it clearly won’t take much since they very obviously have me under a fucking microscope. 

    That shit makes me fucking sick bro, I hate that walking on eggshells bullshit and what gets me is how out of nowhere this shit came. It would be one thing if I been legitimately fucking up and had this coming, but I been playing by the book the entire time I been here and jus doing my fucking job. In over a year working here, I’ve had zero absences other than approved PTO, 1 single tardy on record that was literally like 1 minute late lmfao, zero other incidents where I either broke rules or made a mistake, etc. And one microscopic issue like this that may or may not have been MY actual doing, and it goes straight to write up and one away from termination? Naw somebody jus straight up doesn’t like me at that rate.

    None of these places give a FUCK about you. This exactly why I never gave a fuck at other jobs. Do it the proper way and play it straight and narrow and you get the same fucking result anyways. Kill yourselves.
    Y’all FedEx niggas be stealing packages like clockwork. Especially when they know it’s some hype shoes in the box. 
    Bruh I ain’t FedEx. 😐 I quit that garbage in under 2 weeks and immediately moved to my current spot and been here ever since lmao.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,996 jayfacer
    I’m fucking dead. 🤣🤣
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    Fuck =))))))))))
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,018 spicy boy
    I drank wayyyy too much yesterday
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    I been on a 3 day binger sack up my nigga 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,996 jayfacer
    Bout to be that time, it’s Lolla week. 😤😤
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    When everything is broken at work but you have to make miracles and get the job done anyway
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Don’t you miss the days of no pussy sir? Simpler times am I right
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,018 spicy boy
    mrAPE said:
    Don’t you miss the days of no pussy sir? Simpler times am I right
    Women dont think like rational human beings, I swear 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Ask her if she’s on her period 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,804 spicy boy
    I’m over here crying Lmfao 
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    This is exactly why I haven't been in a rush to find someone else. Being single is actually pretty alright. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    That is one of the things I do miss about being single. Things are just so much simpler lol
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