I've never even seen a waffle house in person but from all the videos I've seen I'd just be surprised seeing someone of your stature walk in there at 2:45 am lmao
I've never even seen a waffle house in person but from all the videos I've seen I'd just be surprised seeing someone of your stature walk in there at 2:45 am lmao
My favorite Waffle House video is the one of the two dudes beating the fuck out of each other and the black dude is in the background going “Eh can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?”
The police presence in my neighborhood is absurd. They're CONSTANTLY patrolling. I see a car pulled over almost every day. They're just harassing people. Same area I got my ticket in back in December (Im STILL waiting on my traffic school info btw).
I just saw a cop driving towards that same stop sign, saw I stopped, and he got pissed and uturned the way he was coming from. Dumbass cops. Sure are spending their time and our tax dollars wisely partrolling fucking Elk Grove Illinoia
pulled a todd and dropped my phone this morning. Its only slightly cracked but the way the screen works the light is escaping out of the crack and i can't see a fucking thing on my phone.
Still owe 1k on it too. you are never going to see that from me verizon lmao
I just saw a cop driving towards that same stop sign, saw I stopped, and he got pissed and uturned the way he was coming from. Dumbass cops. Sure are spending their time and our tax dollars wisely partrolling fucking Elk Grove Illinoia
Still owe 1k on it too. you are never going to see that from me verizon lmao