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  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    Do you take claritan or zyrtec a little bit before going over? That helps me with my cat allergies a lot.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,996 jayfacer
    Also, I don’t know how expensive it is, but it’s possible to get allergies reversed. It’s a process where doctors little by little make micro injections of the allergen in order for your body to build up resistance to it. I remember I had looked into it because I actually love cats and always wanted one so my allergy is tragic lmao but obviously I had never fully pursued it. But it is an option that exists.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    No animals are hypoallergenic. 

    My kid is doing the 5 year allergy shot program with an allergy doctor. He was allergic to everything they tested him for but cockroaches and mold.  You ever wanna piss one of those off ask about hypoallergenic pets lol. Some pets shed less hair but the enzymes that cause allergies are in every skin cell of their body. It’s in their urine. Can’t escape that shit. 

    The cats gotta go. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    Got shit canned today. Pretty blind sided by it. Fresh out of training but I’ve been running the show on my own getting everything done both efficiently and correctly. My union rep was fuming. All the guys are pretty much United on the theory that the boss had someone he personally wanted in their and easiest thing to do was cut the newest guy and say I just wasn’t cutting it which I could see if I was fucking up or neglecting shit but I really wasn’t. Already got the old gig back but it’s literally gonna cut my pay in half. I don’t get it. All the senior guys had signed off on my work and said I was doing well. My supervisor was confident enough to put me on my own a month ahead of schedule and I was proving I could handle it. This shit sucks. I don’t wanna subscribe to the theory that the big boss man has someone he wanted for my position more but all of our stuff goes by bids and seniority and I know the guy under me knows him. Fuck. Tough when your best ain’t good enough and you go back to square one. Was really really making good progress paying off my car and saving up to get out of my parents place because being back with them has been hell. 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    All this comes on the heels of a pretty gnarly argument me and the old man just had. Back in October he got diagnosed with heart failure. This promotion came just in time because this allowed me to help him financially and still save some money. He got back to work two weeks ago but he randomly came in and started raging the other day about my 2 youngest brothers. One has some pretty rough mental health stuff going on (he’s 19) and I linked him up with my counselor who is a god send. Since he started seeing her, the entire family has been noticing a positive shift in him we haven’t seen in 2 years. The other brother is 15 and has been steadily coming into metal. I gifted him an Iron Maiden flag and he hung it up on his door and he’s been falling heavy into Maiden, Dio, Metallica etc. been taking him with me to his first handful of shows over the last year and he’s gone with for Maiden, Megadeth, Korn and Death Punch recently. My Dads old and super religious so everything he doesn’t understand (mental health) is stupid and weak minded of men and everything he hates (metal/music in general but especially metal) is satanic bullshit. So here he is flipping out about my 15 year old brother playing a music video and the 19 year old having kind of a gloomy day and just wanting to keep to himself. He also can never take a fucking hint that’s he’s laying on way to much and just needs to fuck off and leave them be every once in a while. So I stood up and told him maybe if he paid more attention to them and didn’t dismiss mental health in a fucking 19 year old as “sissy shit” and tell a 15 year old kid he’s going to hell for listening to fucking Dio they’d both be doing better in life or at the least feel a little more comfortable in their own skin. He blamed it all on me and said I’m the “originator of sin” on his house hold (Lmao I’m the oldest) and that God would curse me to fail forever because of that and then this happened today. So it all feels kinda shitty. I love all of my brothers (I have 4) but me and the two youngest have always gotten along the best. So I’m using my last big check to pay for a year of counseling sessions for the 19 year old and grab a pit ticket for the closest Deth Punch show I can find for the 15 year old (they’re his favorite band stfu assholes he’s 15 lmao). His literal dream right now is to see them from the pit. My mom was super upset when I told her about the job situation today and i could hear the old man saying tell him he’s still going to hell in the background. Told her tell him I’ll see him there. Can’t wait til he sees those pit tickets and a full years worth of “sissy” mental health sessions. The two youngest always take it super personal when he starts shitting on my
    life so this’ll definitely bring us closer lol
    Any chance the union can fight for your position back or nah? 
    Good looking out for your little brothers man. I'm the oldest of 5 and I don't have the best relationship with my parents but growing up that made us siblings way closer which I'll always appreciate 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,018 spicy boy
    Sounds like your boss just doesnt like Arabs.
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    I officially deem Dime the organizer of sin. 

    Your dad does not realize that is metal as fuck.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    sucks about your job brotha. 

    Any other companies that do similar things that you could look into? 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    Any chance the union can fight for your position back or nah? 
     They did go in there and fight for it but the big boss got me on a technicality. I had 60 working days for them to decide he technically sent me back at the end of 59. So now I go back to the old location that I came to this one from. They were fighting it from the angle of I hadn’t been with a trainer in almost a month and was getting all my work done and doing shit right so the send back made no sense. 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    sucks about your job brotha. 

    Any other companies that do similar things that you could look into? 
     Yeah my buddy who had worked with them for like 13 years got fired a little while back. He already got hired at another place that pays a bit more doing the same shit but not stuck in the 80’s lol. Went to the library afterwards and updated my resume. Been sending stuff in and he gave me a list of places to apply to 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    Good luck man. 

    Jobs suck but unstable jobs and being in limbo is the worst man. It's 1/2 the reason we stick it out at a lot of shitty ones anyways. 

    You'll be ight though. 
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    edited February 2023
    I'm sorry to hear about that, Dime. I will say I'm glad you're there to have your sibling's backs. That's huge, and I can't imagine how thankful they are to you for that. 

    MC. That sucks too, but I do wonder, if she got these cats while y'all were a couple did it not hit either one of y'all that this situation could occur? Animals are a longggg term investment but it seems as if it's either get rid of them or don't live together. Not fair to those cats and not fair to your relationship. 
    Post edited by ThatGuyArlo on
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,018 spicy boy
    Went to get my taxes did today. Between all my band shit, and the crypto I dumped at the beginning of the year, it was a nightmare
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,939 spicy boy
    You need some tax evasion lessons
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,996 jayfacer
    Bro TicketMaster is so fucking disgusting now that it literally cost me less on release day for resale tickets on SeatGeek as opposed to retail directly from TicketMaster. I got floor GA at United Center for Drake in July. Now granted, this is already an overpriced tour. Floor GA at Soldier Field for The Weeknd was $600 and these were $750. Even fucking nosebleeds were starting at like $250-$300. How is a stadium cheaper than an arena? And both artists are at the same level fame wise. I mean The Weeknd played the fucking Super Bowl at this point. 

    But even being on at the very second that tickets went live, the only tickets available for GA was their bullshit ass “Platinum” tickets, which is where they get away wit their insane gouging. I’m pretty sure Platinum is all that was ever available for floor, I don’t think it was a case of non-Platinum selling out, especially since it’s standing and no seats. Jus every ticket on the floor was Platinum. The Weeknd was seats, but that was a Platinum too. So Platinum GA for this was $750 flat rate, and then almost $900 after fees. Now as I said, whole show was overpriced as a whole, but thru SeatGeek, I was able to get GA Floor for $737 final price even after fees, so still lower than TicketMaster’s pre-fee base price. That is absolutely fucking insane.
    Imagine paying $800 to see Drake lmaooooo 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,996 jayfacer
    You have said yourself that you listen to him so idk why you hating.

    But beyond that, this is jus the reality wit any big name shows unfortunately. Like I said even The Weeknd was $600 for floor. And wit even nosebleeds being $300 at this one, there literally is no “cheap seats” in the entire building, and I’ll be damned if I’m paying that much for garbage ass nosebleeds so might as well go all the way. Still tho, it fucking sucks. Prices will prolly be around the same when Travis starts touring again. What’s fucking crazy is I had floor at United Center for Drake’s last tour in 2018 as well, and those were around $220-$230 thru TicketMaster even after fees. The difference 5 years makes smfh. Drake himself is no bigger or less relevant than he was at that point in time either. He’s at the same status. This is completely on TicketMaster and Live Nation. Tickets for The Cure’s new tour were sky high too, to the point that the frontman had to come out himself and state that the band has no control over it, and he was sick about it too.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,804 spicy boy
    That 500 dollar tool ticket was a steal. 

    Should have went to Vegas for ween. Lasts night set was fuckin fire. 
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