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  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,465 destroyer of motherfuckers
    So suck me sideways
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,822 spicy boy
    For real end up in a ditch wake 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,822 spicy boy
    People that light bowls that don’t need to be lit. Especially my weed. 
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    The first round of stimulus checks were for everyone who filed in 2018 or 2019. I got a W-2 in 2018 because I was an employee of the company I worked for at the time and they took taxes out of every check. In 2019, I started subcontracting for them so they put me on a 1099 and paid me straight cash so I got fucked hard on taxes for 2019. 
    No it was for everyone under a certain income level. It should have just been for those directly affected by it. Like tired to unemployment 
    Dude I was out of work for a month and a half. That kinda affected me, don't you think? The least these faggots could do is throw me $1200 when they take almost 10x that from me every fuckin year in taxes. They're not paying for my health insurance, my social security money isn't gonna be there when I turn 65 in 40 years, they don't do a goddamn thing for me but they got no problem taking 25-30% of my income. 
    Yeah - sorry... I meant everyone who saw dips in their pay should have got it. I know many people who had no change in their schedule and got it. If you had the same amount of money coming in before and we’re making ends meet then you shouldn’t have got it 
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    Only reason the repubs passed it is cuz it helped inflate the stock market for a bit
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,465 destroyer of motherfuckers
    With how much I pay in taxes, they should be taking care of me if they're gonna shut the whole country down. If they didn't take all my fucking money, I wouldn't be asking for it back. All the tax money that was stolen from me in the last 3 years could have been a down payment on a house and a new work truck. 
    Xeno said:
    Only reason the repubs passed it is cuz it helped inflate the stock market for a bit
    That and the hundreds of billions of dollars they got to pass out to their buddies, family, themselves, and the pentagon 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,657 moneytalker
    It’s amazing that these rich people give millions of our money to their cronies but somehow tricked the dummies that support them into being mad that their neighbor got $900 a week to help with food and rent. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • GazzaGazza Posts: 145 salt miner
    I'm not mad at nobody getting money.....I got 2900 last time around because we were under the 150000 mark. System is fucked up though. I didn't need the money because I wasn't laid off. I actually made more money but whatever. I say they should throw some more money at the people. They got it. God knows they rape us every week. Corona is out of control. A lot of People are struggling bigtime. They just need to do a better job on who they are giving cash to because everyone who got it didn't need it. 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,960 spicy boy
    They got to do something. Something like 40% of rentals will be facing eviction in the next month if they dont. 
  • GazzaGazza Posts: 145 salt miner
    That Harris chick is screaming for 2000 a month for everybody. Now I don't know it that's added to Unemployment or just 2g a month flat. If it's just a flat rate then this chick really thinks people are stupid. Who the fuck knows anymore. Can't make this year up even if you tried. I really don't know what Trump could of done different to slow this. Close borders sooner" They yelled when he closed them when he did. Mandatory mask nationwide? That prob. would of been a good choice. Other than that i really don't know. It's the people who are spreading this shit in the hot spots. Parties etc......We locked down in NY NJ Ct like it was nobodys business and look at us now. Low numbers. Hope it stays like that but I don't think it will.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,960 spicy boy
    I really don't know what Trump could of done different to slow this. Close borders sooner" They yelled when he closed them when he did. Mandatory mask nationwide? That prob. would of been a good choice. Other than that i really don't know. It's the people who are spreading this shit in the hot spots. Parties etc......We locked down in NY NJ Ct like it was nobodys business and look at us now. Low numbers. Hope it stays like that but I don't think it will.
    That whole thing of being a leader...sometimes you have to make hard choices even if people dont agree. 

    What he should have done is listen to the educated people around him. A big reason for people not caring about the virus and having these parties that are spreading it are because he led us in the wrong direction. Hes directly responsible for fumbling this from the start. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,822 spicy boy
    Gary, you elected a fucking retard that runs business into bankruptcy and then ask what he could have done better. 
  • GazzaGazza Posts: 145 salt miner
    FLAT said:
    Gary, you elected a fucking retard that runs business into bankruptcy and then ask what he could have done better. 
    Pretty sure this country was on cruise control before corona.. Put the blame where it belongs...On China and W.H.O. for the cover up. I also believe this was man made as an attack on Trump and his leadership at the worlds expense for being bent over a barrel for their unfair trade practices which they were finally exposed for. Just my opinion but many share it.

  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,822 spicy boy
    You got his fucking cock in your stomach lmao go fuck your self you fucking sheep. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,960 spicy boy
    Our economy was heading in the shitter before covid. We were showing signs of economic decline going back to the last quarter of 2019. It was coking covid or not. 

    If were going to talk conspiracy, id say its just as likely that trump is using covid to cover up his failure in ecery aspect of government. 

  • GazzaGazza Posts: 145 salt miner
    FLAT said:
    You got his fucking cock in your stomach lmao go fuck your self you fucking sheep. 

    Should of known better than to be mature with you
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,822 spicy boy
    That ignore button doe 
    Gazza said:
    I really don't know what Trump could of done different to slow this. Close borders sooner" They yelled when he closed them when he did. Mandatory mask nationwide? That prob. would of been a good choice. Other than that i really don't know.
    Come on Gary. In late February early March he was acting like it was a common cold and wasn't a big deal, despite warnings from Fauci, the CDC, and the WHO. He called it a hoax at one point. Then he said it will somehow magically go away by Easter, which it clearly didnt. Hell, he didnt wear a mask in public until a few weeks ago. This shit has been going on for like 5 months and he just now wore a mask publicly? 

    He claims the numbers are going down (they're not) and tries to save face on twitter because he's scared of losing the election. Yet when someone goes to his campaign rally they have to sign a waiver saying they aren't liable if they get Covid. If its not a big deal then whats with the waiver?

    I think its hilarious that you ask "what could he have done" when he didn't really do shit. He didn't institute a national stay at home order, and left it to the Governors so they could take the heat from the angry citizens (and republican states that didnt issue a stay at home or ended it early are getting fucked by Covid now) , he's pushing for schools to reopen despite the fact that the pandemic is still going on, and he encourages his voter base on twitter with his bullshit. Tell me, what side was protesting the stay at home orders? Republicans. What side thinks the masks are a hoax and refuse to wear them? Republicans. 
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