Thats a myth dawg. They ARE the place that was advertising for people to move there if Trump wins, but you still have to follow Canada immigration laws and they arent offering anything. It was just a clever marketing campaign by their department of tourism.
This was completely different. I'll see if I can find the ad, my bandmates showed it to me
New Metallica album is bland as fuck. It's not necessarily bad materil just extremely boring. Death Magnetic>>. Every song is 7 minutes that just drones on and fucking on. 4/10
Right lol my expectations weren't exactly sky high or anything, but this is still pretty disappointing. Dystopia, For All Kings and Repentless>>>
No fucking way is Repentless better. That album is the definition of going through the motions.
Lol and this doesn't. At least Death Magnetic had some stuff of interest going on. This literally has close to nothing of interest or creativity going on. It's as monotonous and drawn out as Load and about as creative as St. Anger in most areas. Dude its not a good album. Not a bad one bit definitely not a good one. Its a fucking snorefest
the show fucking sold out. how the fuck does helmet sell out a show in a 550 cap venue nowadays on a wednesday??? they couldnt even fill a bar on a saturday six years ago |||
the show fucking sold out. how the fuck does helmet sell out a show in a 550 cap venue nowadays on a wednesday??? they couldnt even fill a bar on a saturday six years ago
>Finally fall asleep.
>Wake up 4 hours later.
>Can't sleep again.