oh fuck. that's trash. I think i realized I didn't really want to work in sound when I realized that'd mean i have to deal with other people's shitty music. I really just want to know how to record myself.
having an ultra-shit time finding a new job. got declined another one even with an internal referral, meeting all the requirements, taking notes after each interview and implementing their suggestions into the next one.
seriously regret going to college or at least not majoring in something like music production and just focusing all my energy on learning mixing the past six years
all those jobs are ghost positions in az. that is, indeed.com list all theirs as 30+ days old and over 100 applicants. just shows people hold onto those like gold.
believe me, id fucking love to do that for a couple of years and move to a semi-managerial position so other jobs will actually take me seriously, but theyre super hard to land.
gotta say doe Im like two more rejections away from packing my bags, guitar, and hopping on a one way greyhound for washington state or something.
Bro dead ass you can rent a 2-3 bed room house in Washington for like $800 a month. Minimum wage is almost $10 an hour. The math is simple. I'm surveying my options but I am planning on moving up north at some point in my 20's. Lets move up to Olympia area, start a lil doom band and fuck vvitches
this is stupid as fuck feeling sorry for myself. Ill find something, I know I will. just sucks big time with all the rejections, especially for jobs that were shoo-ins for friends of mine.
I don't blame you. It sucks looking. For a new job. Just look at it as that it may be a pain to find one but when you do it will be a better fit than you could have ever imagined.
seriously regret going to college or at least not majoring in something like music production and just focusing all my energy on learning mixing the past six years