Yeah dude the zipper fell off my Subrosa hoodie a while ago. You can still zip it but it's a pain. I wanna get a plain black hoodie and just put patches on it. Can't tell if I want to a zipper one or a pull over tho.
Yeah dude the zipper fell off my Subrosa hoodie a while ago. You can still zip it but it's a pain. I wanna get a plain black hoodie and just put patches on it. Can't tell if I want to a zipper one or a pull over tho.
Dude you can't legit call anyone racist here. You have said more racist shit that you were using as a joke than anyone here.
I really hope you joking. You can't be this retarded. I have an anti racism tattoo on me for life and literally slapped the shit out of a dude I was workin wit at Dunkin for referring to black people as niggers in front of me. It's something I have a deep rooted hatred for and I have less than zero respect for anyone who's racist.
And if you referring to the Arab jokes I've made towards Dime you even more retarded. A: It ain't malicious and I do the same wit my black and Latino friends, jus as they make cracker jokes. And B: Pretty much everyone on here does the same shit wit the "Absolutely Haram" shit.
And him, Slap, & Ed are the only non-white members. :-|
Satan's a class act.
The more you share bout your personal life, the more hilarious all the shit you've talked is. You sure winning in comparison to me.
I wear hoodies underneat my jean vest now too
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
And him, Slap, & Ed are the only non-white members. :-|
Christ you're a fuckin moron.
And ignorant as shit. Feeding into terrorist 9/11 shit cause I didn't know better.
Fuck I hope you die for real.