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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,602 spicy boy
    Yeah, like everyone has said they are good for media. All a Mac is still is overpriced hardware that is expensive to fix and not very easy to upgrade. 
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    >Free repairs wit a warranty
    >Expensive to fix
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,602 spicy boy
    Have you even read your warranty? Most likely Those are for hardware fails. If you fuck it up they probably won't cover it. I'm not trying to shit on Apple support. They have always treated me right. Most of the time though those extended warranty's for shit are a scam. 
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    I think my first post was misunderstood because my phone autocorrected constrictive to constructive. I love the simplicity of macs, but I dislike things like their filing system. They annoy me, but they have good qualities
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,714 spicy boy
    I have stared into the face of "hick-hop"
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  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    My ps3 decided it didn't want to work anymore. Originally I thought it was just the disc drive having issues. But any game on the HD and Netflix doesn't work either. Fucking dammit
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,714 spicy boy
    Having serious conversation after drinking is never a good idea. I fucking hate everything.
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,714 spicy boy
    We hit each of those
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,714 spicy boy
    Ive realized that while my roommate and I are both cynical nihilists, we are different types of nihilists. 
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  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    Yeah MC you're just an angry lad not a nihilist.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    SATAN said:
    You're no nihilist. No offense, but you care way too much to be a nihilist. 
    I think I might be a nihilist. My exgf down in Florida seemed to think I was. I denied it then she explained why.... I couldn't refute her claims 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,714 spicy boy
    SATAN said:
    You're no nihilist. No offense, but you care way too much to be a nihilist. 
    Its complicated. My beliefs are rooted in cynicism, misanthropy, abject theory philosophy, and nihilism...

    I dont think anything has any inherent value. I find value in things like music and gaming, but that doesn't mean that they actually have any value. Nothing in this world really means anything. We're all born to die. Maybe death is the purpose of life? But regardless, I don't think anything in this world has defined meaning. And that is nihilistic, I think. 

    Where I differ with my roommate, is that he also believes that nothing has meaning. That life is pointless. Only he uses that as an excuse to experience everything he can. He sees life as finite and pointless, so he wants to try everything life has to offer. I'm have the opposite reaction. I find like meaningless and pointless, so why would I waste my time trying something I already know I wont enjoy, just for experience? I'd rather confine my life into the few things I already enjoy, instead of trying everything - because I don't see the point or value in most things. 

    Here's where things get weird for me. You are right, I do care about too much. I am an overly emotional human being. I think too much. I care about too many people and things. I'm empathetic by nature. Yet I'm also contrarian in my existence. I am overly emotional, yet I hate my emotions - so I hate myself and my existence, and strive for no emotions. Yet I am also an artists, fueled by emotion and thought, and therefore embrace and push those elements. Full circle of self hatred.

    I like drinking beer, and the social aspect of going to a bar. But I hate myself when I drink, because I'm putting the enjoyment and manipulation of a substance at the forefront of my experience.

    I want to become more rational and intelligent, but I feel like I am losing emotion and empathy. And I want to care about people. But emotion is irrational by nature, and not object. So I hate emotion.

    Same with sex/love. I don't think that sex or love have any value or meaning, so I avoid it. But I do have sexuality, so I want to date women. But I hate that sexuality, and it makes me feel guilty, and I feel bad about thinking women are attractive. So I repress it. But then part of me is empty. So I hate myself further. 

    My entire existence is that feeling when you're sitting at home and thing "man I'd love to go out today", and then once you leave your house you're like "I wish I was back home playing videogames instead of going out". 

    Whoever or whatever I am in that moment, I hate. I'm dissatisfied with. An existence of cyclical hatred and hypocrisy rooted in my very being. 

    Thats probably why I hate millennials - and their false hopes, their false positivity, their false happiness. Their constant search for life fulfillment and enjoyment, when there is nothing of inherent value to find. Constantly building up self image and acceptance. Its why I hate things like feminism - as I recognize the ideological hypocrisy, living a hypocritical existence myself. Its why things that shouldn't bother me, really fucking bother me. 

    Its why my empathetic nature gets lost to apathy, when I look at how fruitless existence is. 

    Depression feeds my philosophies, which influence my world view, which feed more depression. A constant void of negativity. Negative occurrence and emotion definitely resonate with me more than positivity. Its why I tend to dwell on the bad in the world, than the good. Its why making fun of myself, and putting myself down, and pointing out my flaws actually makes me feel better about myself. Laughing about how much of a loser I am, and how girls never talk to me feels better than simply existing with the fact that I am a loser. 

    Which is why music and gaming is so influential in my life. As those things give me an opportunity to feel good about myself. To take me out of reality, and let me live as someone or something else for a while. I don't have to feel bad about having emotions. They aren't a weakness in art like they are in the real world. I can socialize without feeling guilty, or fighting with the desire to stay at home. 

    I'm constantly trying to find object meaning in life. Object purpose, fueled by rationality. Rationality, breeds apathy as well. For example, I feel less bad for the quest of SJWs because rationally thinking, they are nuts and aren't as oppressed as they make themselves out to be. Yet without rationality, we're misguided. I feel like life was better when I was religious and believed in God. At least then I had purpose and guidance. Life had meaning, even if it was to worship or live out a life like Jesus. Now there is nothing. No point, no purpose. No hope. There is a Becoming the Archetype song that really sticks with me, called Evil Unseen which expresses this conflict as well, that as we become more rational and intelligent, we become more apathetic as a species - and I think that is true. 

    There is a void that is unfillable. Maybe its not nihilism, but I don't know what else to call it. 

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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,714 spicy boy
    TLDR; I'm fucked up. 
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  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,355 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I read it all. To be honest, I'm not even sure how to respond. Maybe just good luck? I'd tell you that life isn't pointless and to look at things more positively, but honestly I'd just be wasting my time and yours, since we've repeated this shit a million times and you're not really going to listen. Idk man. Sounds like alot of inner conflict. Good luck
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