Been having these episodes where I struggle to catch my breath. Been grasping at air since like 3 in the morning. Pretty sure I have asthma. Fixing to go to the doc today to get looked at and get an inhaler.
Cause fat as fuck.
Not trying to start shit but he has a point. Being overweight can lead to a lot of sleeping/breathing issues, I would know.
Well obviously being overweight doesn't help your health but that's not why I was at the doctor. I have asthma and haven't had an inhaler for a long time. It used to only get bad after I would work out but lately it's been happening just randomly. The doc to said the inhaler and keep a close eye on it and of it gets worse to go back. Iv lost 30 pounds in the last year and eat clean. Yeah I need to lose more weight but that wasn't the cause of me going to the doctor.
And if logically thinking through sex and relationships is a mental problem, then yea I guess I have one.
Bro believe what you want, but its not logic. In order for it to be logical or accurate, you have to have experience which you do not.
Do you need to kill somebody to decide that it is wrong?
Yeah because those are two very comparable things.
Same concept applies. If you cant decide something unless you experience it, then it eliminates the importance of contemplation, reflection, and observation. Logic and accuracy are not entirely dependent on experience. I believe what I believe for a reason.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Its like, Id sooner drink cow piss than eat horse shit. Both options are bad.